Azareal 01a692ab5b Added the word filter store and moved the word filter routes into the route package.
Added tests for the word filter store.
Added qgen.NewAcc() to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for creating an accumulator.
Exposed the RecordError method on the accumulator.
Added an Add method to PluginList and removed AddPlugin() in favour of that.

More panel buttons on Nox should be styled now.
Added the panel_update_button_text phrase for future use.

More errors might be caught in the thumbnailer now.
Removed ls from .travis.yml, it was there for debugging Code Climate.
2018-08-04 21:46:36 +10:00

132 lines
3.5 KiB

package counters
import (
var ReferrerTracker *DefaultReferrerTracker
// Add ReferrerItems here after they've had zero views for a while
var referrersToDelete = make(map[string]*ReferrerItem)
type ReferrerItem struct {
Count int64
// ? We'll track referrer domains here rather than the exact URL they arrived from for now, we'll think about expanding later
// ? Referrers are fluid and ever-changing so we have to use string keys rather than 'enum' ints
type DefaultReferrerTracker struct {
odd map[string]*ReferrerItem
even map[string]*ReferrerItem
oddLock sync.RWMutex
evenLock sync.RWMutex
insert *sql.Stmt
func NewDefaultReferrerTracker() (*DefaultReferrerTracker, error) {
acc := qgen.NewAcc()
refTracker := &DefaultReferrerTracker{
odd: make(map[string]*ReferrerItem),
even: make(map[string]*ReferrerItem),
insert: acc.Insert("viewchunks_referrers").Columns("count, createdAt, domain").Fields("?,UTC_TIMESTAMP(),?").Prepare(), // TODO: Do something more efficient than doing a query for each referrer
return refTracker, acc.FirstError()
// TODO: Move this and the other view tickers out of the main task loop to avoid blocking other tasks?
func (ref *DefaultReferrerTracker) Tick() (err error) {
for referrer, counter := range referrersToDelete {
// Handle views which squeezed through the gaps at the last moment
count := counter.Count
if count != 0 {
err := ref.insertChunk(referrer, count) // TODO: Bulk insert for speed?
if err != nil {
return err
delete(referrersToDelete, referrer)
// Run the queries and schedule zero view refs for deletion from memory
for referrer, counter := range ref.odd {
if counter.Count == 0 {
referrersToDelete[referrer] = counter
delete(ref.odd, referrer)
count := atomic.SwapInt64(&counter.Count, 0)
err := ref.insertChunk(referrer, count) // TODO: Bulk insert for speed?
if err != nil {
return err
for referrer, counter := range ref.even {
if counter.Count == 0 {
referrersToDelete[referrer] = counter
delete(ref.even, referrer)
count := atomic.SwapInt64(&counter.Count, 0)
err := ref.insertChunk(referrer, count) // TODO: Bulk insert for speed?
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ref *DefaultReferrerTracker) insertChunk(referrer string, count int64) error {
if count == 0 {
return nil
common.DebugDetailf("Inserting a viewchunk with a count of %d for referrer %s", count, referrer)
_, err := ref.insert.Exec(count, referrer)
return err
func (ref *DefaultReferrerTracker) Bump(referrer string) {
if referrer == "" {
var refItem *ReferrerItem
// Slightly crude and rudimentary, but it should give a basic degree of sharding
if referrer[0]%2 == 0 {
refItem = ref.even[referrer]
if refItem != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&refItem.Count, 1)
} else {
ref.even[referrer] = &ReferrerItem{Count: 1}
} else {
refItem = ref.odd[referrer]
if refItem != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&refItem.Count, 1)
} else {
ref.odd[referrer] = &ReferrerItem{Count: 1}