This commit might be a little broken, another is coming to fix things up! The topics list is now paginated. Refactored the error handling system. Added the Trumboyg WYSIWYG editor for Cosora. Moved Delete() out of the TopicStore and into *Topic You can now bulk delete and bulk lock topics on Cosora. h1s are now formatted properly on Firefox. Added more ARIA Labels. SuperModOnly is now a piece of middleware for the Control Panel routes. Refactored and extended the router generator. Improved the SEO for the paginators. Added bits of Microdata to improve SEO further. Wrote benchmarks for users.Get() and users.BypassGet() More errors are caught now. You can now attach pcss files to posts. Improved the error logging for JavaScript. Topic list avatars now link to the associated profiles. Added last poster avatars to the forum list.
651 lines
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651 lines
24 KiB
## version 1.7.0
A JavaScript plugin to read EQCSS syntax to provide:
scoped styles, element queries, container queries,
meta-selectors, eval(), and element-based units.
Authors: Tommy Hodgins, Maxime Euzière, Azareal
License: MIT
// Uses Node, AMD or browser globals to create a module
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD: Register as an anonymous module
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node: Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.EQCSS = factory();
}(this, function() {
var EQCSS = {
data: []
* EQCSS.load()
* Called automatically on page load.
* Call it manually after adding EQCSS code in the page.
* Loads and parses all the EQCSS code.
EQCSS.load = function() {
// Retrieve all style blocks
var styles = document.getElementsByTagName('style');
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
// Test if the style is not read yet
if (styles[i].getAttribute('data-eqcss-read') === null) {
// Mark the style block as read
styles[i].setAttribute('data-eqcss-read', 'true');
// Retrieve all link tags
var link = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
for (i = 0; i < link.length; i++) {
// Test if the link is not read yet, and has rel=stylesheet
if (link[i].getAttribute('data-eqcss-read') === null && link[i].rel === 'stylesheet') {
// retrieve the file content with AJAX and process it
if (link[i].href) {
(function() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
|'GET', link[i].href, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
// Mark the link as read
link[i].setAttribute('data-eqcss-read', 'true');
* EQCSS.parse()
* Called by load for each script / style / link resource.
* Generates data for each Element Query found
EQCSS.parse = function(code) {
var parsed_queries = new Array();
// Cleanup
code = code.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); // reduce spaces and line breaks
code = code.replace(/\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\//g, ''); // remove comments
code = code.replace(/@element/g, '\n@element'); // one element query per line
code = code.replace(/(@element.*?\{([^}]*?\{[^}]*?\}[^}]*?)*\}).*/g, '$1'); // Keep the queries only (discard regular css written around them)
// Parse
// For each query
code.replace(/(@element.*(?!@element))/g, function(string, query) {
// Create a data entry
var dataEntry = {};
// Extract the selector
query.replace(/(@element)\s*(".*?"|'.*?'|.*?)\s*(and\s*\(|{)/g, function(string, atrule, selector, extra) {
// Strip outer quotes if present
selector = selector.replace(/^\s?['](.*)[']/, '$1');
selector = selector.replace(/^\s?["](.*)["]/, '$1');
dataEntry.selector = selector;
// Extract the conditions (measure, value, unit)
dataEntry.conditions = [];
query.replace(/and ?\( ?([^:]*) ?: ?([^)]*) ?\)/g, function(string, measure, value) {
// Separate value and unit if it's possible
var unit = null;
unit = value.replace(/^(\d*\.?\d+)(\D+)$/, '$2');
if (unit === value) {
unit = null;
value = value.replace(/^(\d*\.?\d+)\D+$/, '$1');
dataEntry.conditions.push({measure: measure, value: value, unit: unit});
// Extract the styles
query.replace(/{(.*)}/g, function(string, style) {
| = style;
return parsed_queries;
* EQCSS.register()
* Add a single object, or an array of objects to
EQCSS.register = function(queries) {
if ( === '[object Object]') {
if ( === '[object Array]') {
for (var i=0; i<queries.length; i++) {
* EQCSS.process()
* Parse and Register queries with ``
EQCSS.process = function(code) {
var queries = EQCSS.parse(code)
return EQCSS.register(queries)
* EQCSS.apply()
* Called on load, on resize and manually on DOM update
* Enable the Element Queries in which the conditions are true
EQCSS.apply = function() {
var elements; // Elements targeted by each query
var element_guid; // GUID for current element
var css_block; // CSS block corresponding to each targeted element
var element_guid_parent; // GUID for current element's parent
var element_guid_prev; // GUID for current element's previous sibling element
var element_guid_next; // GUID for current element's next sibling element
var css_code; // CSS code to write in each CSS block (one per targeted element)
var element_width, parent_width; // Computed widths
var element_height, parent_height;// Computed heights
var element_line_height; // Computed line-height
var test; // Query's condition test result
var computed_style; // Each targeted element's computed style
var parent_computed_style; // Each targeted element parent's computed style
// Loop on all element queries
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
// Find all the elements targeted by the query
elements = document.querySelectorAll([i].selector);
// Loop on all the elements
for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) {
// Create a guid for this element
// Pattern: 'EQCSS_{element-query-index}_{matched-element-index}'
element_guid = 'data-eqcss-' + i + '-' + j;
// Add this guid as an attribute to the element
elements[j].setAttribute(element_guid, '');
// Create a guid for the parent of this element
// Pattern: 'EQCSS_{element-query-index}_{matched-element-index}_parent'
element_guid_parent = 'data-eqcss-' + i + '-' + j + '-parent';
// Add this guid as an attribute to the element's parent (except if element is the root element)
if (elements[j] != document.documentElement) {
elements[j].parentNode.setAttribute(element_guid_parent, '');
// Get the CSS block associated to this element (or create one in the <HEAD> if it doesn't exist)
css_block = document.querySelector('#' + element_guid);
if (!css_block) {
css_block = document.createElement('style');
| = element_guid;
css_block.setAttribute('data-eqcss-read', 'true');
css_block = document.querySelector('#' + element_guid);
// Reset the query test's result (first, we assume that the selector is matched)
test = true;
// Loop on the conditions
test_conditions: for (var k = 0; k <[i].conditions.length; k++) {
// Reuse element and parent's computed style instead of computing it everywhere
computed_style = window.getComputedStyle(elements[j], null);
parent_computed_style = null;
if (elements[j] != document.documentElement) {
parent_computed_style = window.getComputedStyle(elements[j].parentNode, null);
// Do we have to reconvert the size in px at each call?
// This is true only for vw/vh/vmin/vmax
var recomputed = false;
// If the condition's unit is vw, convert current value in vw, in px
if ([i].conditions[k].unit === 'vw') {
recomputed = true;
var value = parseInt([i].conditions[k].value);
|[i].conditions[k].recomputed_value = value * window.innerWidth / 100;
// If the condition's unit is vh, convert current value in vh, in px
else if ([i].conditions[k].unit === 'vh') {
recomputed = true;
var value = parseInt([i].conditions[k].value);
|[i].conditions[k].recomputed_value = value * window.innerHeight / 100;
// If the condition's unit is vmin, convert current value in vmin, in px
else if ([i].conditions[k].unit === 'vmin') {
recomputed = true;
var value = parseInt([i].conditions[k].value);
|[i].conditions[k].recomputed_value = value * Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) / 100;
// If the condition's unit is vmax, convert current value in vmax, in px
else if ([i].conditions[k].unit === 'vmax') {
recomputed = true;
var value = parseInt([i].conditions[k].value);
|[i].conditions[k].recomputed_value = value * Math.max(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) / 100;
// If the condition's unit is set and is not px or %, convert it into pixels
else if ([i].conditions[k].unit != null &&[i].conditions[k].unit != 'px' &&[i].conditions[k].unit != '%') {
// Create a hidden DIV, sibling of the current element (or its child, if the element is <html>)
// Set the given measure and unit to the DIV's width
// Measure the DIV's width in px
// Remove the DIV
var div = document.createElement('div');
| = 'hidden';
| = '1px solid red';
| =[i].conditions[k].value +[i].conditions[k].unit;
var position = elements[j];
if (elements[j] != document.documentElement) {
position = elements[j].parentNode;
|[i].conditions[k].value = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(div, null).getPropertyValue('width'));
|[i].conditions[k].unit = 'px';
// Store the good value in final_value depending if the size is recomputed or not
var final_value = recomputed ?[i].conditions[k].recomputed_value : parseInt([i].conditions[k].value);
// Check each condition for this query and this element
// If at least one condition is false, the element selector is not matched
switch ([i].conditions[k].measure) {
case 'min-width':
// Min-width in px
if (recomputed === true ||[i].conditions[k].unit === 'px') {
element_width = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
if (!(element_width >= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Min-width in %
if ([i].conditions[k].unit === '%') {
element_width = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
parent_width = parseInt(parent_computed_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
if (!(parent_width / element_width <= 100 / final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
case 'max-width':
// Max-width in px
if (recomputed === true ||[i].conditions[k].unit === 'px') {
element_width = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
if (!(element_width <= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Max-width in %
if ([i].conditions[k].unit === '%') {
element_width = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
parent_width = parseInt(parent_computed_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
if (!(parent_width / element_width >= 100 / final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
case 'min-height':
// Min-height in px
if (recomputed === true ||[i].conditions[k].unit === 'px') {
element_height = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
if (!(element_height >= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Min-height in %
if ([i].conditions[k].unit === '%') {
element_height = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
parent_height = parseInt(parent_computed_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
if (!(parent_height / element_height <= 100 / final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
case 'max-height':
// Max-height in px
if (recomputed === true ||[i].conditions[k].unit === 'px') {
element_height = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
if (!(element_height <= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Max-height in %
if ([i].conditions[k].unit === '%') {
element_height = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
parent_height = parseInt(parent_computed_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
if (!(parent_height / element_height >= 100 / final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Min-characters
case 'min-characters':
// form inputs
if (elements[j].value) {
if (!(elements[j].value.length >= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// blocks
else {
if (!(elements[j].textContent.length >= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Max-characters
case 'max-characters':
// form inputs
if (elements[j].value) {
if (!(elements[j].value.length <= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// blocks
else {
if (!(elements[j].textContent.length <= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Min-children
case 'min-children':
if (!(elements[j].children.length >= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Max-children
case 'max-children':
if (!(elements[j].children.length <= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Min-lines
case 'min-lines':
element_height =
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('border-top-width'))
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width'))
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('padding-top'))
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'));
element_line_height = computed_style.getPropertyValue('line-height');
if (element_line_height === 'normal') {
var element_font_size = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('font-size'));
element_line_height = element_font_size * 1.125;
} else {
element_line_height = parseInt(element_line_height);
if (!(element_height / element_line_height >= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Max-lines
case 'max-lines':
element_height =
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('border-top-width'))
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width'))
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('padding-top'))
- parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'));
element_line_height = computed_style.getPropertyValue('line-height');
if (element_line_height === 'normal') {
var element_font_size = parseInt(computed_style.getPropertyValue('font-size'));
element_line_height = element_font_size * 1.125;
} else {
element_line_height = parseInt(element_line_height);
if (!(element_height / element_line_height + 1 <= final_value)) {
test = false;
break test_conditions;
// Update CSS block:
// If all conditions are met: copy the CSS code from the query to the corresponding CSS block
if (test === true) {
// Get the CSS code to apply to the element
css_code =[i].style;
// Replace eval('xyz') with the result of try{with(element){eval(xyz)}} in JS
css_code = css_code.replace(
/eval\( *((".*?")|('.*?')) *\)/g,
function(string, match) {
return EQCSS.tryWithEval(elements[j], match);
// Replace '$this' or 'eq_this' with '[element_guid]'
css_code = css_code.replace(/(\$|eq_)this/gi, '[' + element_guid + ']');
// Replace '$parent' or 'eq_parent' with '[element_guid_parent]'
css_code = css_code.replace(/(\$|eq_)parent/gi, '[' + element_guid_parent + ']');
if(css_block.innerHTML != css_code){
css_block.innerHTML = css_code;
// If condition is not met: empty the CSS block
else if(css_block.innerHTML != '') {
css_block.innerHTML = '';
* Eval('') and $it
* (…yes with() was necessary, and eval() too!)
EQCSS.tryWithEval = function(element, string) {
var $it = element;
var ret = '';
try {
with ($it) { ret = eval(string.slice(1, -1)) }
catch(e) {
ret = '';
return ret;
* EQCSS.reset
* Deletes parsed queries removes EQCSS-generated tags and attributes
* To reload EQCSS again after running EQCSS.reset() use EQCSS.load()
EQCSS.reset = function() {
// Reset, removing previously parsed queries
| = [];
// Remove EQCSS-generated style tags from head
var style_tag = document.querySelectorAll('head style[id^="data-eqcss-"]');
for (var i = 0; i < style_tag.length; i++) {
// Remove EQCSS-generated attributes from all tags
var tag = document.querySelectorAll('*');
// For each tag in the document
for (var j = 0; j < tag.length; j++) {
// Loop through all attributes
for (var k = 0; k < tag[j].attributes.length; k++) {
// If an attribute begins with 'data-eqcss-'
if (tag[j].attributes[k].name.indexOf('data-eqcss-') === 0) {
// Remove the attribute from the tag
* 'DOM Ready' cross-browser polyfill / Diego Perini / MIT license
* Forked from:
EQCSS.domReady = function(fn) {
var done = false;
var top = true;
var doc = window.document;
var root = doc.documentElement;
var modern = !~navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 8');
var add = modern ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent';
var rem = modern ? 'removeEventListener' : 'detachEvent';
var pre = modern ? '' : 'on';
var init = function(e) {
if (e.type === 'readystatechange' && doc.readyState !== 'complete') return;
(e.type === 'load' ? window : doc)[rem](pre + e.type, init, false);
if (!done && (done = true)), e.type || e);
poll = function() {
try {
catch(e) {
setTimeout(poll, 50);
if (doc.readyState === 'complete') {
|, 'lazy');
if (!modern && root.doScroll) {
try {
top = !window.frameElement;
catch(e) {}
if (top) poll();
doc[add](pre + 'DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
doc[add](pre + 'readystatechange', init, false);
window[add](pre + 'load', init, false);
* EQCSS.throttle
* Ensures EQCSS.apply() is not called more than once every (EQCSS_timeout)ms
var EQCSS_throttle_available = true;
var EQCSS_throttle_queued = false;
var EQCSS_mouse_down = false;
var EQCSS_timeout = 200;
EQCSS.throttle = function() {
/* if (EQCSS_throttle_available) {*/
/*EQCSS_throttle_available = false;
setTimeout(function() {
EQCSS_throttle_available = true;
if (EQCSS_throttle_queued) {
EQCSS_throttle_queued = false;
}, EQCSS_timeout);
} else {
EQCSS_throttle_queued = true;
// Call load (and apply, indirectly) on page load
EQCSS.domReady(function() {
// On resize, click, call EQCSS.throttle.
window.addEventListener('resize', EQCSS.throttle);
window.addEventListener('click', EQCSS.throttle);
// Debug: here's a shortcut for console.log
function l(a) { console.log(a) }
return EQCSS;
})); |