Added the IsoCode field to phrase files. Rewrote a good portion of the widget system logic. Added some tests for the widget system. Added the Online Users widget. Added a few sealed incomplete widgets like the Search & Filter Widget. Added the AllUsers method to WsHubImpl for Online Users. Please don't abuse it. Added the optional *DBTableKey field to AddColumn. Added the panel_analytics_time_range template to reduce the amount of duplication. Failed registrations now show up in red in the registration logs for Nox. Failed logins now show up in red in the login logs for Nox. Added basic h2 CSS to the other themes. Added .show_on_block_edit and .hide_on_block_edit to the other themes. Updated contributing. Updated a bunch of dates to 2019. Replaced tblKey{} with nil where possible. Switched out some &s for &s to reduce the number of possible bugs. Fixed a bug with selector messages where the inspector would get really jittery due to unnecessary DOM updates. Moved header.Zone and associated fields to the bottom of ViewTopic to reduce the chances of problems arising. Added the ZoneData field to *Header. Added IDs to the items in the forum list template. Split the fetchPhrases function into the initPhrases and fetchPhrases functions in init.js Added .colstack_sub_head. Fixed the CSS in the menu list. Removed an inline style from the simple topic like and unlike buttons. Removed an inline style from the simple topic IP button. Simplified the LoginRequired error handler. Fixed a typo in the comment prior to DatabaseError() Reduce the number of false leaves for WebSocket page transitions. Added the error zone. De-duped the logic in WsHubImpl.getUsers. Fixed a potential widget security issue. Added twenty new phrases. Added the wid column to the widgets table. You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
628 lines
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628 lines
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package main
import ""
var mysqlPre = "utf8mb4"
var mysqlCol = "utf8mb4_general_ci"
type tblColumn = qgen.DBTableColumn
type tblKey = qgen.DBTableKey
func createTables(adapter qgen.Adapter) error {
qgen.Install.CreateTable("users", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"name", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"password", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"salt", "varchar", 80, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"group", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"active", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"is_super_admin", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"lastActiveAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"session", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
//tblColumn{"authToken", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"last_ip", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"email", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"avatar", "varchar", 100, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"message", "text", 0, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"url_prefix", "varchar", 20, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"url_name", "varchar", 100, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"level", "smallint", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"score", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"posts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"bigposts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"megaposts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"topics", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"liked", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
// These two are to bound liked queries with little bits of information we know about the user to reduce the server load
tblColumn{"oldestItemLikedCreatedAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""}, // For internal use only, semantics may change
tblColumn{"lastLiked", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""}, // For internal use only, semantics may change
tblColumn{"temp_group", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, // For temporary groups, set this to zero when a temporary group isn't in effect
tblKey{"uid", "primary"},
tblKey{"name", "unique"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("users_groups", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"gid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"name", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"permissions", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"plugin_perms", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"is_mod", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"is_admin", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"is_banned", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"user_count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, // TODO: Implement this
tblColumn{"tag", "varchar", 50, false, false, "''"},
tblKey{"gid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("users_2fa_keys", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"secret", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch1", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch2", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch3", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch4", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch5", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch6", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch7", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"scratch8", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"uid", "primary"},
// What should we do about global penalties? Put them on the users table for speed? Or keep them here?
// Should we add IP Penalties? No, that's a stupid idea, just implement IP Bans properly. What about shadowbans?
// TODO: Perm overrides
// TODO: Add a mod-queue and other basic auto-mod features. This is needed for awaiting activation and the mod_queue penalty flag
// TODO: Add a penalty type where a user is stopped from creating plugin_guilds social groups
// TODO: Shadow bans. We will probably have a CanShadowBan permission for this, as we *really* don't want people using this lightly.
tblColumn{"element_type","varchar",50,false,false,""}, //forum, profile?, and social_group. Leave blank for global.
tblColumn{"no_avatar","boolean",0,false,false,"0"}, // Coming Soon. Should this be a perm override instead?
// Do we *really* need rate-limit penalty types? Are we going to be allowing bots or something?
//tblColumn{"last_hour","int",0,false,false,"0"}, // UNIX Time, as we don't need to do anything too fancy here. When an hour has elapsed since that time, reset the hourly penalty counters.
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("users_groups_scheduler", "", "",
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"set_group", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"issued_by", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"issued_at", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"revert_at", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"temporary", "boolean", 0, false, false, ""}, // special case for permanent bans to do the necessary bookkeeping, might be removed in the future
tblKey{"uid", "primary"},
// TODO: Can we use a piece of software dedicated to persistent queues for this rather than relying on the database for it?
qgen.Install.CreateTable("users_avatar_queue", "", "",
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblKey{"uid", "primary"},
// TODO: Should we add a users prefix to this table to fit the "unofficial convention"?
qgen.Install.CreateTable("emails", "", "",
tblColumn{"email", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"validated", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"token", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
}, nil,
// TODO: Allow for patterns in domains, if the bots try to shake things up there?
qgen.Install.CreateTable("email_domain_blacklist", "", "",
tblColumn{"domain", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"gtld", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"domain", "primary"},
// TODO: Implement password resets
/*qgen.Install.CreateTable("password_resets", "", "",
tblColumn{"email", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"validated", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""}, // Token given once the one-use token is consumed, used to prevent multiple people consuming the same one-use token
tblColumn{"token", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"email", "unique"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("forums", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"fid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"name", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"desc", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"active", "boolean", 0, false, false, "1"},
tblColumn{"topicCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"preset", "varchar", 100, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"parentID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"parentType", "varchar", 50, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"lastTopicID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"lastReplyerID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"fid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("forums_permissions", "", "",
tblColumn{"fid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"gid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"preset", "varchar", 100, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"permissions", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
// TODO: Test to see that the compound primary key works
tblKey{"fid,gid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("topics", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"tid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"title", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Increase the max length to 200?
tblColumn{"content", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"parsed_content", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"lastReplyAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"lastReplyBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"lastReplyID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"is_closed", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"sticky", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
// TODO: Add an index for this
tblColumn{"parentID", "int", 0, false, false, "2"},
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"postCount", "int", 0, false, false, "1"},
tblColumn{"likeCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"attachCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"words", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"views", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
//tblColumn{"dailyViews", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
//tblColumn{"weeklyViews", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
//tblColumn{"monthlyViews", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
// ? - A little hacky, maybe we could do something less likely to bite us with huge numbers of topics?
// TODO: Add an index for this?
//tblColumn{"lastMonth", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"css_class", "varchar", 100, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"poll", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"data", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblKey{"tid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("replies", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"rid", "int", 0, false, true, ""}, // TODO: Rename to replyID?
tblColumn{"tid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Rename to topicID?
tblColumn{"content", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"parsed_content", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"lastEdit", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"lastEditBy", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"lastUpdated", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"likeCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"attachCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"words", "int", 0, false, false, "1"}, // ? - replies has a default of 1 and topics has 0? why?
tblColumn{"actionType", "varchar", 20, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"poll", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"rid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("attachments", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"attachID", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"sectionID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"sectionTable", "varchar", 200, false, false, "forums"},
tblColumn{"originID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"originTable", "varchar", 200, false, false, "replies"},
tblColumn{"uploadedBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO; Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"path", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"attachID", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("revisions", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"reviseID", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"content", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"contentID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"contentType", "varchar", 100, false, false, "replies"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
// TODO: Add a createdBy column?
tblKey{"reviseID", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("polls", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"pollID", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"parentID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"parentTable", "varchar", 100, false, false, "topics"}, // topics, replies
tblColumn{"type", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"options", "json", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"votes", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"pollID", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("polls_options", "", "",
tblColumn{"pollID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"option", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"votes", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("polls_votes", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"pollID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"option", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"castAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("users_replies", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"rid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"content", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"parsed_content", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"lastEdit", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"lastEditBy", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"rid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("likes", "", "",
tblColumn{"weight", "tinyint", 0, false, false, "1"},
tblColumn{"targetItem", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"targetType", "varchar", 50, false, false, "replies"},
tblColumn{"sentBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"recalc", "tinyint", 0, false, false, "0"},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("activity_stream_matches", "", "",
tblColumn{"watcher", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"asid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("activity_stream", "", "",
tblColumn{"asid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"actor", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the one doing the act */ // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"targetUser", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the user who created the item the actor is acting on, some items like forums may lack a targetUser field */
tblColumn{"event", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""}, /* mention, like, reply (as in the act of replying to an item, not the reply item type, you can "reply" to a forum by making a topic in it), friend_invite */
tblColumn{"elementType", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""}, /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
tblColumn{"elementID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
tblKey{"asid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("activity_subscriptions", "", "",
tblColumn{"user", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"targetID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
tblColumn{"targetType", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""}, /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
tblColumn{"level", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, /* 0: Mentions (aka the global default for any post), 1: Replies To You, 2: All Replies*/
}, nil,
/* Due to MySQL's design, we have to drop the unique keys for table settings, plugins, and themes down from 200 to 180 or it will error */
qgen.Install.CreateTable("settings", "", "",
tblColumn{"name", "varchar", 180, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"content", "varchar", 250, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"type", "varchar", 50, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"constraints", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblKey{"name", "unique"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("word_filters", "", "",
tblColumn{"wfid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"find", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"replacement", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"wfid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("plugins", "", "",
tblColumn{"uname", "varchar", 180, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"active", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"installed", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"uname", "unique"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("themes", "", "",
tblColumn{"uname", "varchar", 180, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"default", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"uname", "unique"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("widgets", "", "",
tblColumn{"wid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"position", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"side", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"type", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"active", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"location", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"data", "text", 0, false, false, "''"},
tblKey{"wid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("menus", "", "",
tblColumn{"mid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblKey{"mid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("menu_items", "", "",
tblColumn{"miid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"mid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"name", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"htmlID", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"cssClass", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"position", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"path", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"aria", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"tooltip", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"tmplName", "varchar", 200, false, false, "''"},
tblColumn{"order", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"guestOnly", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"memberOnly", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"staffOnly", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"adminOnly", "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"miid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("pages", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tblColumn{"pid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
//tblColumn{"path", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"name", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"title", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"body", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
// TODO: Make this a table?
tblColumn{"allowedGroups", "text", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"menuID", "int", 0, false, false, "-1"}, // simple sidebar menu
tblKey{"pid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("registration_logs", "", "",
tblColumn{"rlid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"username", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"email", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"failureReason", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"success", "bool", 0, false, false, "0"}, // Did this attempt succeed?
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"doneAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"rlid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("login_logs", "", "",
tblColumn{"lid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblColumn{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"success", "bool", 0, false, false, "0"}, // Did this attempt succeed?
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"doneAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"lid", "primary"},
qgen.Install.CreateTable("moderation_logs", "", "",
tblColumn{"action", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"elementID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"elementType", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"actorID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"doneAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("administration_logs", "", "",
tblColumn{"action", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"elementID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"elementType", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"ipaddress", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"actorID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblColumn{"doneAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("viewchunks", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"route", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("viewchunks_agents", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"browser", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""}, // googlebot, firefox, opera, etc.
//tblColumn{"version","varchar",0,false,false,""}, // the version of the browser or bot
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("viewchunks_systems", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"system", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""}, // windows, android, unknown, etc.
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("viewchunks_langs", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"lang", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""}, // en, ru, etc.
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("viewchunks_referrers", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"domain", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("viewchunks_forums", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tblColumn{"forum", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("topicchunks", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
// TODO: Add a column for the parent forum?
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("postchunks", "", "",
tblColumn{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblColumn{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
// TODO: Add a column for the parent topic / profile?
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("sync", "", "",
tblColumn{"last_update", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
qgen.Install.CreateTable("updates", "", "",
tblColumn{"dbVersion", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
}, nil,
return nil