This commit might be a little broken, another is coming to fix things up! The topics list is now paginated. Refactored the error handling system. Added the Trumboyg WYSIWYG editor for Cosora. Moved Delete() out of the TopicStore and into *Topic You can now bulk delete and bulk lock topics on Cosora. h1s are now formatted properly on Firefox. Added more ARIA Labels. SuperModOnly is now a piece of middleware for the Control Panel routes. Refactored and extended the router generator. Improved the SEO for the paginators. Added bits of Microdata to improve SEO further. Wrote benchmarks for users.Get() and users.BypassGet() More errors are caught now. You can now attach pcss files to posts. Improved the error logging for JavaScript. Topic list avatars now link to the associated profiles. Added last poster avatars to the forum list.
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/* ===========================================================
* ar.js
* Arabic translation for Trumbowyg
* http://alex-d.github.com/Trumbowyg
* ===========================================================
* Author : Abo Mokh ahmed (abomokhahmed)
* Github : https://github.com/abomokhahmed
* Reviewed by : Abdellah Chadidi (chadidi)
* Github : https://github.com/chadidi
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