Flush the debug page incrementally. Eliminate a tiny bit of code in PreparseMessage. Shorten some of the pointer capture variables in the poll store. Tweak the advanced installation instructions for EasyJSON to make it more repeatable. Added the ConvoKey config setting. Added /.git/ disk usage to the debug page, if it exists. Added a UserStore.BulkGetMap multi-user test.
123 lines
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123 lines
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package panel
import (
c "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common"
func Debug(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError {
basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, &user, "debug", "debug")
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
goVersion := runtime.Version()
dbVersion := qgen.Builder.DbVersion()
var uptime string
upDuration := time.Since(c.StartTime)
hours := int(upDuration.Hours())
minutes := int(upDuration.Minutes())
if hours > 24 {
days := hours / 24
hours -= days * 24
uptime += strconv.Itoa(days) + "d"
uptime += strconv.Itoa(hours) + "h"
} else if hours >= 1 {
uptime += strconv.Itoa(hours) + "h"
uptime += strconv.Itoa(minutes) + "m"
dbStats := qgen.Builder.GetConn().Stats()
openConnCount := dbStats.OpenConnections
// Disk I/O?
// TODO: Fetch the adapter from Builder rather than getting it from a global?
goroutines := runtime.NumGoroutine()
cpus := runtime.NumCPU()
var memStats runtime.MemStats
var tlen, ulen, rlen int
var tcap, ucap, rcap int
tcache := c.Topics.GetCache()
if tcache != nil {
tlen = tcache.Length()
tcap = tcache.GetCapacity()
ucache := c.Users.GetCache()
if ucache != nil {
ulen = ucache.Length()
ucap = ucache.GetCapacity()
rcache := c.Rstore.GetCache()
if rcache != nil {
rlen = rcache.Length()
rcap = rcache.GetCapacity()
topicListThawed := c.TopicListThaw.Thawed()
debugCache := c.DebugPageCache{tlen, ulen, rlen, tcap, ucap, rcap, topicListThawed}
var fErr error
var count = func(tbl string) int {
if fErr != nil {
return 0
c, err := qgen.NewAcc().Count(tbl).Total()
fErr = err
return c
// TODO: Call Count on an attachment store
attachs := count("attachments")
// TODO: Implement a PollStore and call Count on that instead
polls := count("polls")
loginLogs := count("login_logs")
regLogs := count("registration_logs")
modLogs := count("moderation_logs")
adminLogs := count("administration_logs")
views := count("viewchunks")
viewsAgents := count("viewchunks_agents")
viewsForums := count("viewchunks_forums")
viewsLangs := count("viewchunks_langs")
viewsReferrers := count("viewchunks_referrers")
viewsSystems := count("viewchunks_systems")
postChunks := count("postchunks")
topicChunks := count("topicchunks")
if fErr != nil {
return c.InternalError(fErr,w,r)
debugDatabase := c.DebugPageDatabase{c.Topics.Count(),c.Users.Count(),c.Rstore.Count(),c.Prstore.Count(),c.Activity.Count(),c.Likes.Count(),attachs,polls,loginLogs,regLogs,modLogs,adminLogs,views,viewsAgents,viewsForums,viewsLangs,viewsReferrers,viewsSystems,postChunks,topicChunks}
var dirSize = func(path string) int {
if fErr != nil {
return 0
c, err := c.DirSize(path)
fErr = err
return c
staticSize := dirSize("./public/")
attachSize := dirSize("./attachs/")
uploadsSize := dirSize("./uploads/")
logsSize := dirSize("./logs/")
backupsSize := dirSize("./backups/")
if fErr != nil {
return c.InternalError(fErr,w,r)
gitSize, _ := c.DirSize("./.git")
debugDisk := c.DebugPageDisk{staticSize,attachSize,uploadsSize,logsSize,backupsSize,gitSize}
pi := c.PanelDebugPage{basePage, goVersion, dbVersion, uptime, openConnCount, qgen.Builder.GetAdapter().GetName(), goroutines, cpus, memStats, debugCache, debugDatabase, debugDisk}
return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage, "panel_dashboard_right", "debug_page", "panel_debug", pi})