Azareal f30ea7a9bb Finished moving the files into the subpackage, this should open more doors to us.
Moved more queries out of the global stmt holder.
Refactored several things.
2017-11-11 04:06:16 +00:00

93 lines
2.0 KiB

package common
import (
type SFileList map[string]SFile
var StaticFiles SFileList = make(map[string]SFile)
type SFile struct {
Data []byte
GzipData []byte
Pos int64
Length int64
GzipLength int64
Mimetype string
Info os.FileInfo
FormattedModTime string
type CSSData struct {
ComingSoon string
func (list SFileList) Init() error {
return filepath.Walk("./public", func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if f.IsDir() {
return nil
path = strings.Replace(path, "\\", "/", -1)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "public/")
var ext = filepath.Ext("/public/" + path)
gzipData := compressBytesGzip(data)
list["/static/"+path] = SFile{data, gzipData, 0, int64(len(data)), int64(len(gzipData)), mime.TypeByExtension(ext), f, f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
if Dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Added the '" + path + "' static file.")
return nil
func (list SFileList) Add(path string, prefix string) error {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
fi, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := fi.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
var ext = filepath.Ext(path)
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, prefix)
gzipData := compressBytesGzip(data)
list["/static"+path] = SFile{data, gzipData, 0, int64(len(data)), int64(len(gzipData)), mime.TypeByExtension(ext), f, f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
if Dev.DebugMode {
log.Printf("Added the '%s' static file", path)
return nil
func compressBytesGzip(in []byte) []byte {
var buff bytes.Buffer
gz := gzip.NewWriter(&buff)
_, _ = gz.Write(in) // TODO: What if this errors? What circumstances could it error under? Should we add a second return value?
_ = gz.Close()
return buff.Bytes()