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/* globals jQuery */
(function ($) {
// Selector to select only not already processed elements
$.expr[":"].notmdproc = function (obj) {
if ($(obj).data("mdproc")) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function _isChar(evt) {
if (typeof evt.which == "undefined") {
return true;
} else if (typeof evt.which == "number" && evt.which > 0) {
return (
&& !evt.metaKey
&& !evt.altKey
&& evt.which != 8 // backspace
&& evt.which != 9 // tab
&& evt.which != 13 // enter
&& evt.which != 16 // shift
&& evt.which != 17 // ctrl
&& evt.which != 20 // caps lock
&& evt.which != 27 // escape
return false;
function _addFormGroupFocus(element) {
var $element = $(element);
if (!$element.prop('disabled')) { // this is showing as undefined on chrome but works fine on firefox??
function _toggleDisabledState($element, state) {
var $target;
if ($element.hasClass('checkbox-inline') || $element.hasClass('radio-inline')) {
$target = $element;
} else {
$target = $element.closest('.checkbox').length ? $element.closest('.checkbox') : $element.closest('.radio');
return $target.toggleClass('disabled', state);
function _toggleTypeFocus($input) {
var disabledToggleType = false;
if ($$.material.options.checkboxElements) || $$.material.options.radioElements)) {
disabledToggleType = true;
$input.closest('label').hover(function () {
var $i = $(this).find('input');
var isDisabled = $i.prop('disabled'); // hack because the _addFormGroupFocus() wasn't identifying the property on chrome
if (disabledToggleType) {
_toggleDisabledState($(this), isDisabled);
if (!isDisabled) {
_addFormGroupFocus($i); // need to find the input so we can check disablement
function () {
function _removeFormGroupFocus(element) {
$(element).closest(".form-group").removeClass("is-focused"); // remove class from form-group
$.material = {
"options": {
// These options set what will be started by $.material.init()
"validate": true,
"input": true,
"ripples": true,
"checkbox": true,
"togglebutton": true,
"radio": true,
"arrive": true,
"autofill": false,
"withRipples": [
".navbar a:not(.withoutripple)",
".dropdown-menu a",
".nav-tabs a:not(.withoutripple)",
".pagination li:not(.active):not(.disabled) a:not(.withoutripple)"
"inputElements": "input.form-control, textarea.form-control, select.form-control",
"checkboxElements": ".checkbox > label > input[type=checkbox], label.checkbox-inline > input[type=checkbox]",
"togglebuttonElements": ".togglebutton > label > input[type=checkbox]",
"radioElements": ".radio > label > input[type=radio], > input[type=radio]"
"checkbox": function (selector) {
// Add fake-checkbox to material checkboxes
var $input = $((selector) ? selector : this.options.checkboxElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.after("<span class='checkbox-material'><span class='check'></span></span>");
"togglebutton": function (selector) {
// Add fake-checkbox to material checkboxes
var $input = $((selector) ? selector : this.options.togglebuttonElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.after("<span class='toggle'></span>");
"radio": function (selector) {
// Add fake-radio to material radios
var $input = $((selector) ? selector : this.options.radioElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.after("<span class='circle'></span><span class='check'></span>");
"input": function (selector) {
$((selector) ? selector : this.options.inputElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.each(function () {
var $input = $(this);
// Requires form-group standard markup (will add it if necessary)
var $formGroup = $input.closest(".form-group"); // note that form-group may be grandparent in the case of an input-group
if ($formGroup.length === 0 && $input.attr('type') !== "hidden" && !$input.attr('hidden')) {
$input.wrap("<div class='form-group'></div>");
$formGroup = $input.closest(".form-group"); // find node after attached (otherwise additional attachments don't work)
// Legacy - Add hint label if using the old shorthand data-hint attribute on the input
if ($input.attr("data-hint")) {
$input.after("<p class='help-block'>" + $input.attr("data-hint") + "</p>");
// Legacy - Change input-sm/lg to form-group-sm/lg instead (preferred standard and simpler css/less variants)
var legacySizes = {
"input-lg": "form-group-lg",
"input-sm": "form-group-sm"
$.each(legacySizes, function (legacySize, standardSize) {
if ($input.hasClass(legacySize)) {
// Legacy - Add label-floating if using old shorthand <input class="floating-label" placeholder="foo">
if ($input.hasClass("floating-label")) {
var placeholder = $input.attr("placeholder");
$input.attr("placeholder", null).removeClass("floating-label");
var id = $input.attr("id");
var forAttribute = "";
if (id) {
forAttribute = "for='" + id + "'";
$input.after("<label " + forAttribute + "class='control-label'>" + placeholder + "</label>");
// Set as empty if is empty (damn I must improve this...)
if ($input.val() === null || $input.val() == "undefined" || $input.val() === "") {
// Support for file input
if ($formGroup.find("input[type=file]").length > 0) {
"attachInputEventHandlers": function () {
var validate = this.options.validate;
.on("keydown paste", ".form-control", function (e) {
if (_isChar(e)) {
.on("keyup change", ".form-control", function () {
var $input = $(this);
var $formGroup = $input.closest(".form-group");
var isValid = (typeof $input[0].checkValidity === "undefined" || $input[0].checkValidity());
if ($input.val() === "") {
else {
// Validation events do not bubble, so they must be attached directly to the input:
// Further, even the bind method is being caught, but since we are already calling #checkValidity here, just alter
// the form-group on change.
// NOTE: I'm not sure we should be intervening regarding validation, this seems better as a README and snippet of code.
// BUT, I've left it here for backwards compatibility.
if (validate) {
if (isValid) {
else {
.on("focus", ".form-control,", function () {
.on("blur", ".form-control,", function () {
// make sure empty is added back when there is a programmatic value change.
// NOTE: programmatic changing of value using $.val() must trigger the change event i.e. $.val('x').trigger('change')
.on("change", ".form-group input", function () {
var $input = $(this);
if ($input.attr("type") == "file") {
var $formGroup = $input.closest(".form-group");
var value = $input.val();
if (value) {
} else {
// set the fileinput readonly field with the name of the file
.on("change", " input[type='file']", function () {
var $input = $(this);
var $formGroup = $input.closest(".form-group");
var value = "";
$.each(this.files, function (i, file) {
value += + ", ";
value = value.substring(0, value.length - 2);
if (value) {
} else {
"ripples": function (selector) {
$((selector) ? selector : this.options.withRipples).ripples();
"autofill": function () {
// This part of code will detect autofill when the page is loading (username and password inputs for example)
var loading = setInterval(function () {
$("input[type!=checkbox]").each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.val() && $this.val() !== $this.attr("value")) {
}, 100);
// After 10 seconds we are quite sure all the needed inputs are autofilled then we can stop checking them
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000);
"attachAutofillEventHandlers": function () {
// Listen on inputs of the focused form (because user can select from the autofill dropdown only when the input has focus)
var focused;
.on("focus", "input", function () {
var $inputs = $(this).parents("form").find("input").not("[type=file]");
focused = setInterval(function () {
$inputs.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.val() !== $this.attr("value")) {
}, 100);
.on("blur", ".form-group input", function () {
"init": function (options) {
this.options = $.extend({}, this.options, options);
var $document = $(document);
if ($.fn.ripples && this.options.ripples) {
if (this.options.input) {
if (this.options.checkbox) {
if (this.options.togglebutton) {
if ( {;
if (this.options.autofill) {
if (document.arrive && this.options.arrive) {
if ($.fn.ripples && this.options.ripples) {
$document.arrive(this.options.withRipples, function () {
if (this.options.input) {
$document.arrive(this.options.inputElements, function () {
if (this.options.checkbox) {
$document.arrive(this.options.checkboxElements, function () {
if ( {
$document.arrive(this.options.radioElements, function () {
if (this.options.togglebutton) {
$document.arrive(this.options.togglebuttonElements, function () {