
95 lines
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package commands
import (
// Bootstrap a function able to locate a series of byte chunks containing
// related block numbers, starting from a specific block number (greater or equal than).
type ChunkLocator func(block uint64) (chunkProvider ChunkProvider, ok bool, err error)
// Allows to iterate over a set of byte chunks.
// If err is not nil, it indicates an error and the other returned values should be
// ignored.
// If err is nil and ok is true, the returned chunk should contain the raw chunk data.
// If err is nil and ok is false, it indicates that there is no more data. Subsequent calls
// to the same function should return (nil, false, nil).
type ChunkProvider func() (chunk []byte, ok bool, err error)
type BlockProvider func() (nextBlock uint64, hasMore bool, err error)
// Standard key format for call from/to indexes [address + block]
func callIndexKey(addr common.Address, block uint64) []byte {
key := make([]byte, common.AddressLength+8)
copy(key[:common.AddressLength], addr.Bytes())
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key[common.AddressLength:], block)
return key
const MaxBlockNum = ^uint64(0)
// This ChunkLocator searches over a cursor with a key format of [common.Address, block uint64],
// where block is the first block number contained in the chunk value.
// It positions the cursor on the chunk that contains the first block >= minBlock.
func newCallChunkLocator(cursor kv.Cursor, addr common.Address, navigateForward bool) ChunkLocator {
return func(minBlock uint64) (ChunkProvider, bool, error) {
searchKey := callIndexKey(addr, minBlock)
k, _, err := cursor.Seek(searchKey)
if k == nil {
return nil, false, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return newCallChunkProvider(cursor, addr, navigateForward), true, nil
// This ChunkProvider is built by NewForwardChunkLocator and advances the cursor forward until
// there is no more chunks for the desired addr.
func newCallChunkProvider(cursor kv.Cursor, addr common.Address, navigateForward bool) ChunkProvider {
first := true
var err error
// TODO: is this flag really used?
eof := false
return func() ([]byte, bool, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if eof {
return nil, false, nil
var k, v []byte
if first {
first = false
k, v, err = cursor.Current()
} else {
if navigateForward {
k, v, err = cursor.Next()
} else {
k, v, err = cursor.Prev()
if err != nil {
eof = true
return nil, false, err
if !bytes.HasPrefix(k, addr.Bytes()) {
eof = true
return nil, false, nil
return v, true, nil