@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Realize
## Realize
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build
#### What's new
#### What's new
##### v1.1
##### v1.2
- [ ] Windows support - **Moved to 1.2**
- [x] Windows support
- [x] Custom paths for the commands fast/add
- [x] Go generate support
- [x] Save output on a file
- [x] Bugs fix
- [x] Before/After fields enabled
- [x] Web panel errors log improved
- [x] Web panel in material design (localhost:5000)
- [x] Refactoring
- [x] Web panel edit settings, partial
#### Features
#### Features
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build
$ realize add
$ realize add
It will create a realize.config.yaml file if it doesn't exist already and adds the working directory as the project.
It will create a realize.yaml file if it doesn't exist already and adds the working directory as the project.
Otherwise if a config file already exists it adds another project to the existing config file.
Otherwise if a config file already exists it adds the working project to the existing config file.
The add command supports the following custom parameters:
The add command supports the following custom parameters:
@ -109,14 +109,9 @@ A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build
$ realize run
$ realize run
Fast run launches a project from its working directory without a config file
Run can also launch a project from its working directory with or without make a config file (--no-config option).
It supports the following custom parameters:
$ realize fast
The fast command supports the following custom parameters:
--path="server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name
--path="server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name
--build -> Enables the build
--build -> Enables the build
@ -126,18 +121,18 @@ A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build
--no-run -> Disables the run
--no-run -> Disables the run
--no-fmt -> Disables the fmt (go fmt)
--no-fmt -> Disables the fmt (go fmt)
--no-server -> Disables the web panel (port :5000)
--no-server -> Disables the web panel (port :5000)
--no-config -> Doesn't create any configuration files
--open -> Open the web panel in a new browser window
--open -> Open the web panel in a new browser window
The "fast" command supports addittional arguments as the "add" command.
And additional arguments as the "add" command.
$ realize fast --no-run yourParams --yourFlags // correct
$ realize fast yourParams --yourFlags --no-run // wrong
$ realize fast --path="/Users/alessio/go/src/"
$ realize run --no-run yourParams --yourFlags // correct
$ realize run yourParams --yourFlags --no-run // wrong
$ realize run --path="/Users/alessio/go/src/"
#### Color reference
#### Color reference
@ -152,39 +147,50 @@ A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build
- For more examples check [Realize Examples](
- For more examples check [Realize Examples](
- app_name: App One -> name
app_path: one -> root path
output: outputs.log // name of the output file
app_run: true -> enable/disable go run (require app_bin)
log: logs.log // name of the log file (errors included)
app_bin: true -> enable/disable go install
app_build: false -> enable/disable go build
enable: true // enables the web server
app_fmt: true -> enable/disable go fmt
open: false // opens the web server in a new tab
app_test: true -> enable/disable go test
host: localhost // web server host
app_params: -> the project will be launched with these parameters
port: 5000 // wev server port
- --flag1
- param1
flimit: 0 // increases the maximum number of open files - supported only on linux or os x, sudo required
preview: true -> prints the observed files on startup
- name: printer // project name
paths: -> paths to observe for live reload
path: / // project path
- /
run: true // enables go run (require bin)
ignore_paths: -> paths to ignore
bin: true // enables go install
- vendor
generate: false // enables go generate
- bin
build: false // enables go build
exts: -> file extensions to observe for live reload
fmt: true // enables go fmt
- .go
test: false // enables go test
output: -> enable/disable the output destinations
params: [] // array of additionals params. the project will be launched with these parameters
cli: true -> cli output
file: true -> creates an output file inside the project
before: [] // custom commands launched before the execution of the project
after: [] // custom commands launched after the execution of the project
paths: // paths to observe for live reload
- /
ignore_paths: // paths to ignore
- vendor
exts: // file extensions to observe for live reload
- .go
preview: true // prints the observed files on startup
streams: true // prints the output streams of the project in the cli
streams: false // saves the output stream of the project in a file
logs: false // saves the logs of the project in a file
errors: false // saves the errors of the project in a file
#### Next release
#### Next release
##### v1.2
##### v1.3
- [ ] Windows support
- [ ] Web panel edit settings, full support
- [ ] Go generate support
- [ ] Tests
- [ ] Web panel - watched file
- [ ] Web panel - edit settings
#### Contacts
#### Contacts
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
c ""
s ""
const (
Name = "Realize"
Version = "1.1"
Description = "A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths"
Limit = 10000
Config = "r.config.yaml"
Output = "r.output.log"
Host = "Web server listening on localhost:5000"
var r realize
var R Realizer
// Realizer interface for wrap the cli, app and server functions
type Realizer interface {
Wdir() string
Red(string) string
Blue(string) string
BlueS(string) string
Handle(error) error
Before(*cli.Context) error
Fast(*cli.Context) error
Run(*cli.Context) error
Add(*cli.Context) error
Remove(*cli.Context) error
List(*cli.Context) error
// Realize struct contains the general app informations
type realize struct {
Name, Description, Author, Email, Host string
Version string
Limit uint64
Blueprint c.Blueprint
Server s.Server
Files map[string]string
Sync chan string
// Application initialization
func init() {
r = realize{
Name: Name,
Version: Version,
Description: Description,
Host: Host,
Limit: Limit,
Files: map[string]string{
"config": Config,
"output": Output,
Sync: make(chan string),
r.Blueprint = c.Blueprint{
Files: r.Files,
Sync: r.Sync,
r.Server = s.Server{
Blueprint: &r.Blueprint,
Files: r.Files,
Sync: r.Sync,
R = &r
// Flimit defines the max number of watched files
func (r *realize) Increase() {
// increases the files limit
var rLimit syscall.Rlimit
rLimit.Max = r.Limit
rLimit.Cur = r.Limit
err := syscall.Setrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(c.Red("Error Setting Rlimit "), err)
func (r *realize) Red(s string) string {
return c.Red(s)
func (r *realize) Blue(s string) string {
return c.Blue(s)
func (r *realize) BlueS(s string) string {
return c.BlueS(s)
func (r *realize) Wdir() string {
return c.WorkingDir()
func (r *realize) Serve(p *cli.Context) {
if !p.Bool("no-server") {
fmt.Println(r.Red(r.Host) + "\n")
r.Server.Open = p.Bool("open")
func (r *realize) Run(p *cli.Context) error {
return r.Blueprint.Run()
func (r *realize) Fast(p *cli.Context) error {
return r.Blueprint.Fast(p)
func (r *realize) Add(p *cli.Context) error {
return r.Blueprint.Insert(p)
func (r *realize) Remove(p *cli.Context) error {
return r.Blueprint.Insert(p)
func (r *realize) List(p *cli.Context) error {
return r.Blueprint.List()
func (r *realize) Before(p *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println(r.Blue(r.Name) + " - " + r.Blue(r.Version))
fmt.Println(r.BlueS(r.Description) + "\n")
gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
if gopath == "" {
log.Fatal(r.Red("$GOPATH isn't set up properly"))
return nil
func (r *realize) Handle(err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
return nil
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
package cli
import (
// Watch method adds the given paths on the Watcher
func (h *Blueprint) Run() error {
err := h.Read()
if err == nil {
// loop projects
for k := range h.Projects {
h.Projects[k].parent = h
go h.Projects[k].watching()
return nil
return err
// Fast method run a project from his working directory without makes a config file
func (h *Blueprint) Fast(params *cli.Context) error {
// Takes the values from config if wd path match with someone else
for i := 0; i < len(h.Projects); i++ {
v := &h.Projects[i]
v.parent = h
if params.Bool("config") {
if err := h.Read(); err == nil {
for l := 0; l < len(h.Projects); l++ {
l := &h.Projects[l]
if l.Path == "/" {
l.Path = "."
l.parent = v.parent
if v.Path == l.Path {
v = l
go v.watching()
return nil
// Add a new project
func (h *Blueprint) Add(params *cli.Context) error {
p := Project{
Name: nameFlag(params),
Path: filepath.Clean(params.String("path")),
Build: params.Bool("build"),
Bin: boolFlag(params.Bool("no-bin")),
Run: boolFlag(params.Bool("no-run")),
Fmt: boolFlag(params.Bool("no-fmt")),
Test: params.Bool("test"),
Params: argsParam(params),
Watcher: Watcher{
Paths: []string{"/"},
Ignore: []string{"vendor"},
Exts: []string{".go"},
Output: map[string]bool{
"cli": true,
"file": false,
if _, err := duplicates(p, h.Projects); err != nil {
return err
h.Projects = append(h.Projects, p)
return nil
// Clean duplicate projects
func (h *Blueprint) Clean() {
arr := h.Projects
for key, val := range arr {
if _, err := duplicates(val, arr[key+1:]); err != nil {
h.Projects = append(arr[:key], arr[key+1:]...)
// Read, Check and remove duplicates from the config file
func (h *Blueprint) Read() error {
content, err := read(h.Files["config"])
if err == nil {
err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, h)
if err == nil {
if len(h.Projects) > 0 {
return nil
return errors.New("There are no projects!")
return err
return err
// Create and unmarshal yaml config file
func (h *Blueprint) Create() error {
y, err := yaml.Marshal(h)
if err != nil {
return err
return write(h.Files["config"], y)
// Inserts a new project in the list
func (h *Blueprint) Insert(params *cli.Context) error {
check := h.Read()
err := h.Add(params)
if err == nil {
err = h.Create()
if check == nil && err == nil {
fmt.Println(Green("Your project was successfully added"))
} else {
fmt.Println(Green("The config file was successfully created"))
return err
// Remove a project
func (h *Blueprint) Remove(params *cli.Context) error {
err := h.Read()
if err == nil {
for key, val := range h.Projects {
if params.String("name") == val.Name {
h.Projects = append(h.Projects[:key], h.Projects[key+1:]...)
err = h.Create()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println(Green("Your project was successfully removed"))
return err
return errors.New("No project found")
return err
// List of all the projects
func (h *Blueprint) List() error {
err := h.Read()
if err == nil {
for _, val := range h.Projects {
fmt.Println(Blue("|"), Blue(strings.ToUpper(val.Name)))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Base Path"), ":", MagentaS(val.Path))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Run"), ":", MagentaS(val.Run))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Build"), ":", MagentaS(val.Build))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Install"), ":", MagentaS(val.Bin))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Fmt"), ":", MagentaS(val.Fmt))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Test"), ":", MagentaS(val.Test))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Params"), ":", MagentaS(val.Params))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t", Yellow("Watcher"), ":")
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t", Yellow("After"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.After))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t", Yellow("Before"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.Before))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t", Yellow("Extensions"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.Exts))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t", Yellow("Paths"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.Paths))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t", Yellow("Paths ignored"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.Ignore))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t", Yellow("Watch preview"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.Preview))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t", Yellow("Output"), ":")
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t\t", Yellow("Cli"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.Output["cli"]))
fmt.Println(MagentaS("|"), "\t\t\t", Yellow("File"), ":", MagentaS(val.Watcher.Output["file"]))
return err
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
package cli
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var Green, Red, RedS, Blue, BlueS, Yellow, YellowS, Magenta, MagentaS = color.New(color.FgGreen, color.Bold).SprintFunc(),
color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold).SprintFunc(),
color.New(color.FgBlue, color.Bold).SprintFunc(),
color.New(color.FgYellow, color.Bold).SprintFunc(),
color.New(color.FgMagenta, color.Bold).SprintFunc(),
// Log struct
type logWriter struct{}
// Projects struct contains a projects list
type Blueprint struct {
Projects []Project `yaml:"projects,omitempty"`
Files map[string]string `yaml:"-"`
Sync chan string `yaml:"-"`
// Project defines the informations of a single project
type Project struct {
LastChangedOn time.Time `yaml:"-"`
base string
Name string `yaml:"app_name,omitempty"`
Path string `yaml:"app_path,omitempty"`
Run bool `yaml:"app_run,omitempty"`
Bin bool `yaml:"app_bin,omitempty"`
Build bool `yaml:"app_build,omitempty"`
Fmt bool `yaml:"app_fmt,omitempty"`
Test bool `yaml:"app_test,omitempty"`
Params []string `yaml:"app_params,omitempty"`
Watcher Watcher `yaml:"app_watcher,omitempty"`
Buffer Buffer `yaml:"-"`
parent *Blueprint
// Watcher struct defines the livereload's logic
type Watcher struct {
// different before and after on re-run?
Before []string `yaml:"before,omitempty"`
After []string `yaml:"after,omitempty"`
Paths []string `yaml:"paths,omitempty"`
Ignore []string `yaml:"ignore_paths,omitempty"`
Exts []string `yaml:"exts,omitempty"`
Preview bool `yaml:"preview,omitempty"`
Output map[string]bool `yaml:"output,omitempty"`
// Buffer struct for buffering outputs
type Buffer struct {
StdOut []BufferOut
StdLog []BufferOut
StdErr []BufferOut
type BufferOut struct {
Time time.Time
Text string
// Initialize the application
func init() {
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
package cli
import (
// WorkingDir returns the name last element of the working directory path
func WorkingDir() string {
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return filepath.Base(dir)
// Read a file given a name and return its byte stream
func read(file string) ([]byte, error) {
_, err := os.Stat(file)
if err == nil {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return content, err
return nil, err
// Write a file given a name and a byte stream
func write(name string, data []byte) error {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, data, 0655)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Create a new file and return its pointer
func create(file string) *os.File {
out, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_SYNC, 0655)
if err != nil {
return out
// argsParam parse one by one the given argumentes
func argsParam(params *cli.Context) []string {
argsN := params.NArg()
if argsN > 0 {
var args []string
for i := 0; i <= argsN-1; i++ {
args = append(args, params.Args().Get(i))
return args
return nil
// NameParam check the project name presence. If empty takes the working directory name
func nameFlag(params *cli.Context) string {
var name string
if params.String("name") == "" && params.String("path") == "" {
return WorkingDir()
} else if params.String("path") != "/" {
name = filepath.Base(params.String("path"))
} else {
name = params.String("name")
return name
// BoolParam is used to check the presence of a bool flag
func boolFlag(b bool) bool {
if b {
return false
return true
// Duplicates check projects with same name or same combinations of main/path
func duplicates(value Project, arr []Project) (Project, error) {
for _, val := range arr {
if value.Path == val.Path || value.Name == val.Name {
return val, errors.New("There is a duplicate of '" + val.Name + "'. Check your config file!")
return Project{}, nil
// check if a string is inArray
func inArray(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if v == str {
return true
return false
// Defines the colors scheme for the project name
func pname(name string, color int) string {
switch color {
case 1:
name = Yellow("[") + strings.ToUpper(name) + Yellow("]")
case 2:
name = Yellow("[") + Red(strings.ToUpper(name)) + Yellow("]")
case 3:
name = Yellow("[") + Blue(strings.ToUpper(name)) + Yellow("]")
case 4:
name = Yellow("[") + Magenta(strings.ToUpper(name)) + Yellow("]")
case 5:
name = Yellow("[") + Green(strings.ToUpper(name)) + Yellow("]")
return name
// Cewrites the log timestamp
func (writer logWriter) Write(bytes []byte) (int, error) {
return fmt.Print(YellowS("[") + time.Now().Format("15:04:05") + YellowS("]") + string(bytes))
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
package cli
import (
// Watching method is the main core. It manages the livereload and the watching
func (p *Project) watching() {
var wr sync.WaitGroup
var watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
sync := func() {
p.parent.Sync <- "sync"
watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
log.Println(strings.ToUpper(pname(p.Name, 1)), ":", Red(err.Error()))
channel, exit := make(chan bool, 1), make(chan bool, 1)
if err != nil {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", Red(err.Error()))
end := func() {
defer end()
err = p.walks(watcher)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", Red(err.Error()))
go p.routines(channel, &wr)
p.LastChangedOn = time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
// waiting for an event
for {
select {
case event := <-watcher.Events:
if time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).After(p.LastChangedOn) {
if event.Op&fsnotify.Chmod == fsnotify.Chmod {
if _, err := os.Stat(event.Name); err == nil {
var ext string
if index := strings.Index(filepath.Ext(event.Name), "_"); index == -1 {
ext = filepath.Ext(event.Name)
} else {
ext = filepath.Ext(event.Name)
ext = ext[0:index]
i := strings.Index(event.Name, filepath.Ext(event.Name))
if event.Name[:i] != "" && inArray(ext, p.Watcher.Exts) {
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: strings.ToUpper(ext[1:]) + " changed " + event.Name[:i] + ext})
go sync()
fmt.Println(pname(p.Name, 4), Magenta(strings.ToUpper(ext[1:])+" changed"), Magenta(event.Name[:i]+ext))
// stop and run again
if p.Run {
channel = make(chan bool)
err := p.fmt(event.Name[:i] + ext)
if err != nil {
} else {
go p.routines(channel, &wr)
p.LastChangedOn = time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
case err := <-watcher.Errors:
case <-exit:
// Install calls an implementation of the "go install"
func (p *Project) install(channel chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup) {
if p.Bin {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", "Installing..")
start := time.Now()
if std, err := p.GoInstall(); err != nil {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", fmt.Sprint(Red(err)), std)
} else {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 5), ":", Green("Installed")+" after", MagentaS(big.NewFloat(float64(time.Since(start).Seconds())).Text('f', 3), " s"))
if p.Run {
runner := make(chan bool, 1)
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", "Running..")
start = time.Now()
go p.GoRun(channel, runner, wr)
for {
select {
case <-runner:
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 5), ":", Green("Has been run")+" after", MagentaS(big.NewFloat(float64(time.Since(start).Seconds())).Text('f', 3), " s"))
// Build calls an implementation of the "go build"
func (p *Project) build() {
if p.Build {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", "Building..")
start := time.Now()
if std, err := p.GoBuild(); err != nil {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", fmt.Sprint(Red(err)), std)
} else {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 5), ":", Green("Builded")+" after", MagentaS(big.NewFloat(float64(time.Since(start).Seconds())).Text('f', 3), " s"))
// Fmt calls an implementation of the "gofmt"
func (p *Project) fmt(path string) error {
if p.Fmt {
if _, err := p.GoFmt(path); err != nil {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), Red("There are some GoFmt errors in "), ":", Magenta(path))
return nil
// Cmd calls an wrapper for execute the commands after/before
func (p *Project) cmd(exit chan bool) {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
cast := func(commands []string) {
if errs := p.Cmd(commands); errs != nil {
for _, err := range errs {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 2), Red(err))
if len(p.Watcher.Before) > 0 {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-c:
if len(p.Watcher.After) > 0 {
// Test calls an implementation of the "go test"
func (p *Project) test(path string) error {
if p.Test {
if _, err := p.GoTest(path); err != nil {
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), Red("Go Test fails in "), ":", Magenta(path))
return nil
// Walks the file tree of a project
func (p *Project) walks(watcher *fsnotify.Watcher) error {
var files, folders int64
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
walk := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if !p.ignore(path) {
if (info.IsDir() && len(filepath.Ext(path)) == 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(path, ".")) && !strings.Contains(path, "/.") || (inArray(filepath.Ext(path), p.Watcher.Exts)) {
if p.Watcher.Preview {
fmt.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), ":", path)
if err = watcher.Add(path); err != nil {
return filepath.SkipDir
if inArray(filepath.Ext(path), p.Watcher.Exts) {
go func() {
if err := p.fmt(path); err != nil {
} else {
go func() {
if err := p.test(path); err != nil {
return nil
if p.Path == "." || p.Path == "/" {
p.base = wd
p.Path = WorkingDir()
} else if filepath.IsAbs(p.Path) {
p.base = p.Path
} else {
p.base = filepath.Join(wd, p.Path)
for _, dir := range p.Watcher.Paths {
base := filepath.Join(p.base, dir)
if _, err := os.Stat(base); err == nil {
if err := filepath.Walk(base, walk); err != nil {
} else {
return errors.New(base + " path doesn't exist")
fmt.Println(pname(p.Name, 1), Red("Watching"), Magenta(files), "file/s", Magenta(folders), "folder/s")
return nil
// Ignore validates a path
func (p *Project) ignore(str string) bool {
for _, v := range p.Watcher.Ignore {
if strings.Contains(str, filepath.Join(p.base, v)) {
return true
return false
// Routines launches the following methods: run, build, fmt, install
func (p *Project) routines(channel chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup) {
go p.install(channel, wr)
@ -1,47 +1,125 @@
package main
package main
import (
import (
a ""
s ""
c ""
w ""
var app a.Realizer
const (
name = "Realize"
version = "1.2"
description = "A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths"
config = "realize.yaml"
output = "outputs.log"
log = "logs.log"
err = "errors.log"
host = "localhost"
port = 5000
server = true
open = false
var r realize
// Realize struct contains the general app informations
type realize struct {
c.Settings `yaml:"settings,omitempty"`
Name, Description, Author, Email, Host, Version string `yaml:"-"`
Sync chan string `yaml:"-"`
Blueprint w.Blueprint `yaml:"-"`
Server s.Server `yaml:"-"`
Projects *[]w.Project `yaml:"projects" json:"projects"`
// Realize struct initialization
func init() {
r = realize{
Name: name,
Version: version,
Description: description,
Sync: make(chan string),
Settings: c.Settings{
Config: c.Config{
Flimit: 0,
Resources: c.Resources{
Config: config,
Output: output,
Log: log,
Server: c.Server{
Enabled: server,
Open: open,
Host: host,
Port: port,
r.Blueprint = w.Blueprint{
Settings: &r.Settings,
Sync: r.Sync,
r.Server = s.Server{
Blueprint: &r.Blueprint,
Settings: &r.Settings,
Sync: r.Sync,
r.Projects = &r.Blueprint.Projects
// read if exist
// increase the file limit
if r.Config.Flimit != 0 {
// Before of every exec of a cli method
func before() error {
fmt.Println(r.Blue.Bold(name) + " - " + r.Blue.Bold(version))
fmt.Println(r.Blue.Regular(description) + "\n")
gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
if gopath == "" {
return handle(errors.New("$GOPATH isn't set up properly"))
return nil
// Handle errors
func handle(err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
// Cli commands
func main() {
func main() {
app = a.R
c := &cli.App{
c := &cli.App{
Name: a.Name,
Name: r.Name,
Version: a.Version,
Version: r.Version,
Authors: []*cli.Author{
Authors: []*cli.Author{
Name: "Alessio Pracchia",
Name: "Alessio Pracchia",
Email: "",
Email: "pracchia@hastegit",
Name: "Daniele Conventi",
Name: "Daniele Conventi",
Email: "",
Email: "conventi@hastegit",
Usage: a.Description,
Usage: r.Description,
Commands: []*cli.Command{
Commands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "run",
Name: "run",
Usage: "Build and watch file changes",
Usage: "Build and watch file changes. Can be used even with a single project or without the config file",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-server", Usage: "Enable the web panel"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "open", Usage: "Automatically opens the web panel"},
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
return app.Handle(app.Run(p))
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return app.Before(c)
Name: "fast",
Usage: "Build and watch file changes for a single project without any Configuration file",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "path", Aliases: []string{"b"}, Value: "", Usage: "Project base path"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "path", Aliases: []string{"b"}, Value: "", Usage: "Project base path"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "build", Value: false, Usage: "Enables the build"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "build", Value: false, Usage: "Enables the build"},
@ -49,15 +127,38 @@ func main() {
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-bin", Usage: "Disables the installation"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-bin", Usage: "Disables the installation"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-fmt", Usage: "Disables the fmt (go fmt)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-fmt", Usage: "Disables the fmt (go fmt)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-server", Usage: "Disables the web panel"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-server", Usage: "Disables the web panel"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-config", Value: false, Usage: "Uses the config settings"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "open", Usage: "Automatically opens the web panel"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "open", Usage: "Automatically opens the web panel"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "test", Value: false, Usage: "Enables the tests"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "test", Value: false, Usage: "Enables the tests"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "config", Value: false, Usage: "Take the defined settings if exist a Configuration file."},
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
return app.Handle(app.Fast(p))
if p.Bool("no-config") {
r.Settings = c.Settings{
Config: c.Config{
Flimit: 0,
Resources: c.Resources{
Config: config,
Output: output,
Log: log,
Server: c.Server{
Enabled: server,
Open: open,
Host: host,
Port: port,
r.Blueprint.Projects = r.Blueprint.Projects[:0]
return nil
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return app.Before(c)
return before()
@ -66,7 +167,7 @@ func main() {
Aliases: []string{"a"},
Aliases: []string{"a"},
Usage: "Add another project",
Usage: "Add another project",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Aliases: []string{"n"}, Value: app.Wdir(), Usage: "Project name"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Aliases: []string{"n"}, Value: r.Wdir(), Usage: "Project name"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "path", Aliases: []string{"b"}, Value: "/", Usage: "Project base path"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "path", Aliases: []string{"b"}, Value: "/", Usage: "Project base path"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "build", Value: false, Usage: "Enable the build"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "build", Value: false, Usage: "Enable the build"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-run", Usage: "Disables the run"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-run", Usage: "Disables the run"},
@ -74,11 +175,14 @@ func main() {
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-fmt", Usage: "Disables the fmt (go fmt)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-fmt", Usage: "Disables the fmt (go fmt)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "test", Value: false, Usage: "Enables the tests"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "test", Value: false, Usage: "Enables the tests"},
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
Action: func(p *cli.Context) (err error) {
return app.Handle(app.Add(p))
fmt.Println(r.Green.Bold("Your project was successfully added"))
return nil
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return app.Before(c)
return before()
@ -90,10 +194,13 @@ func main() {
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Aliases: []string{"n"}, Value: ""},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Aliases: []string{"n"}, Value: ""},
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
return app.Handle(app.Remove(p))
fmt.Println(r.Green.Bold("Your project was successfully removed."))
return nil
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return app.Before(c)
return before()
@ -102,10 +209,10 @@ func main() {
Aliases: []string{"l"},
Aliases: []string{"l"},
Usage: "Projects list",
Usage: "Projects list",
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
Action: func(p *cli.Context) error {
return app.Handle(app.List(p))
return handle(r.Blueprint.List())
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return app.Before(c)
return before()
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ package server
import (
import (
c ""
c ""
w ""
// Server struct contains server informations
// Server struct contains server informations
type Server struct {
type Server struct {
Blueprint *c.Blueprint
*c.Settings `yaml:"-"`
Files map[string]string
*w.Blueprint `yaml:"-"`
Sync chan string
Sync chan string `yaml:"-"`
Open bool
func render(c echo.Context, path string, mime int) error {
func render(c echo.Context, path string, mime int) error {
@ -46,65 +46,86 @@ func render(c echo.Context, path string, mime int) error {
// Server starting
// Server starting
func (s *Server) Start() {
func (s *Server) Start(p *cli.Context) (err error) {
e := echo.New()
if !p.Bool("no-server") && s.Enabled {
e := echo.New()
// web panel
// web panel
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/index.html", 1)
return render(c, "assets/index.html", 1)
e.GET("/assets/js/all.min.js", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/assets/js/all.min.js", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/assets/js/all.min.js", 2)
return render(c, "assets/assets/js/all.min.js", 2)
e.GET("/assets/css/app.css", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/assets/css/app.css", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/assets/css/app.css", 3)
return render(c, "assets/assets/css/app.css", 3)
e.GET("/app/components/projects/index.html", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/app/components/projects/index.html", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/app/components/projects/index.html", 1)
return render(c, "assets/app/components/projects/index.html", 1)
e.GET("/app/components/project/index.html", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/app/components/project/index.html", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/app/components/project/index.html", 1)
return render(c, "assets/app/components/project/index.html", 1)
e.GET("/app/components/index.html", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/app/components/index.html", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/app/components/index.html", 1)
return render(c, "assets/app/components/index.html", 1)
e.GET("/assets/img/svg/github-logo.svg", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/assets/img/svg/github-logo.svg", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/assets/img/svg/github-logo.svg", 4)
return render(c, "assets/assets/img/svg/github-logo.svg", 4)
e.GET("/assets/img/svg/ic_error_black_48px.svg", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/assets/img/svg/ic_error_black_48px.svg", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/assets/img/svg/ic_error_black_48px.svg", 4)
return render(c, "assets/assets/img/svg/ic_error_black_48px.svg", 4)
e.GET("/assets/img/svg/ic_swap_vertical_circle_black_48px.svg", func(c echo.Context) error {
e.GET("/assets/img/svg/ic_swap_vertical_circle_black_48px.svg", func(c echo.Context) error {
return render(c, "assets/assets/img/svg/ic_swap_vertical_circle_black_48px.svg", 4)
return render(c, "assets/assets/img/svg/ic_swap_vertical_circle_black_48px.svg", 4)
//e.GET("/ws", standard.WrapHandler(s.projects()))
//e.GET("/ws", echo.WrapHandler(s.projects()))
e.GET("/ws", standard.WrapHandler(s.projects()))
e.GET("/ws", s.hello)
go e.Run(standard.New(":5000"))
if s.Open {
// The WebSocket for projects list
go e.Start(string(s.Settings.Server.Host) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(s.Settings.Server.Port))
func (s *Server) projects() websocket.Handler {
if s.Open || p.Bool("open") {
return websocket.Handler(func(ws *websocket.Conn) {
_, err = Open("http://" + string(s.Settings.Server.Host) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(s.Settings.Server.Port))
msg := func() {
message, _ := json.Marshal(s.Blueprint.Projects)
err := websocket.Message.Send(ws, string(message))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) hello(c echo.Context) error {
websocket.Handler(func(ws *websocket.Conn) {
defer ws.Close()
msg, _ := json.Marshal(s.Blueprint.Projects)
err := websocket.Message.Send(ws, string(msg))
for {
for {
select {
select {
case <-s.Sync:
case <-s.Sync:
msg, _ := json.Marshal(s.Blueprint.Projects)
err = websocket.Message.Send(ws, string(msg))
if err != nil {
// Read
text := ""
err := websocket.Message.Receive(ws, &text)
if err != nil {
} else {
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(text), &s.Blueprint.Projects)
if err != nil {
}).ServeHTTP(c.Response(), c.Request())
return nil
@ -3,17 +3,16 @@ package server
import (
import (
var cli map[string]string
var cmd map[string]string
var stderr bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
func init() {
func init() {
cli = map[string]string{
cmd = map[string]string{
"windows": "start",
"windows": "start",
"darwin": "open",
"darwin": "open",
"linux": "xdg-open",
"linux": "xdg-open",
@ -21,13 +20,12 @@ func init() {
func Open(url string) (io.Writer, error) {
func Open(url string) (io.Writer, error) {
if open, err := cli[runtime.GOOS]; !err {
if open, err := cmd[runtime.GOOS]; !err {
return nil, errors.New("This operating system is not supported.")
return nil, errors.New("This operating system is not supported.")
} else {
} else {
cmd := exec.Command(open, url)
cmd := exec.Command(open, url)
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
fmt.Println(cmd.Stderr, err)
return cmd.Stderr, err
return cmd.Stderr, err
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package settings
import (
type Colors struct {
type Red struct{}
type Blue struct{}
type Yellow struct{}
type Magenta struct{}
type Green struct{}
func (c Red) Regular(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgRed).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Red) Bold(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Blue) Regular(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgBlue).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Blue) Bold(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgBlue, color.Bold).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Yellow) Regular(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgYellow).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Yellow) Bold(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgYellow, color.Bold).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Magenta) Regular(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgMagenta).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Magenta) Bold(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgMagenta, color.Bold).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Green) Regular(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgGreen).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
func (c Green) Bold(t ...interface{}) string {
r := color.New(color.FgGreen, color.Bold).SprintFunc()
return r(t...)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package settings
import (
// Scan return a byte stream of a given file
func (s Settings) Stream(file string) ([]byte, error) {
_, err := os.Stat(file)
if err == nil {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
return content, err
return nil, err
// Write a file given a name and a byte stream
func (s Settings) Write(name string, data []byte) error {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, data, 0655)
return s.Validate(err)
// Create a new file and return its pointer
func (s Settings) Create(file string) *os.File {
out, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_SYNC, 0655)
return out
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package settings
import (
type Settings struct {
Colors `yaml:"-"`
Resources `yaml:"resources" json:"resources"`
Server `yaml:"server" json:"server"`
Config `yaml:"config" json:"config"`
type Config struct {
Flimit uint64 `yaml:"flimit" json:"flimit"`
type Server struct {
Enabled bool `yaml:"enable" json:"enable"`
Open bool `yaml:"open" json:"open"`
Host string `yaml:"host" json:"host"`
Port int `yaml:"port" json:"port"`
type Resources struct {
Config string `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
Output string `yaml:"output" json:"output"`
Log string `yaml:"log" json:"log"`
// Flimit defines the max number of watched files
func (s *Settings) Flimit() {
var rLimit syscall.Rlimit
rLimit.Max = s.Config.Flimit
rLimit.Cur = s.Config.Flimit
err := syscall.Setrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Error Setting Rlimit", err)
// Read from the configuration file
func (s *Settings) Read(out interface{}) error {
content, err := s.Stream(s.Resources.Config)
if err == nil {
err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, out)
return err
return err
// Record create and unmarshal the yaml config file
func (h *Settings) Record(out interface{}) error {
y, err := yaml.Marshal(out)
if err != nil {
return err
return h.Write(h.Resources.Config, y)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package settings
import (
func (s Settings) Wdir() string {
dir, err := os.Getwd()
return filepath.Base(dir)
func (s Settings) Validate(err error) error {
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("", err)
return nil
func (s Settings) Fatal(msg string, err error) {
if msg != "" {
log.Fatal(s.Red.Regular(msg), err.Error())
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package cli
import (
// Watch method adds the given paths on the Watcher
func (h *Blueprint) Run() error {
err := h.check()
if err == nil {
// loop projects
for k := range h.Projects {
h.Projects[k].parent = h
go h.Projects[k].watching()
return nil
return err
// Add a new project
func (h *Blueprint) Add(p *cli.Context) error {
project := Project{
Path: filepath.Clean(p.String("path")),
Build: p.Bool("build"),
Bin: !p.Bool("no-bin"),
Run: !p.Bool("no-run"),
Fmt: !p.Bool("no-fmt"),
Test: p.Bool("test"),
Params: argsParam(p),
Watcher: Watcher{
Paths: []string{"/"},
Ignore: []string{"vendor"},
Exts: []string{".go"},
Preview: false,
Cli: Cli{
Streams: true,
File: File{
Streams: false,
Logs: false,
Errors: false,
if _, err := duplicates(project, h.Projects); err != nil {
return err
h.Projects = append(h.Projects, project)
return nil
// Clean duplicate projects
func (h *Blueprint) Clean() {
arr := h.Projects
for key, val := range arr {
if _, err := duplicates(val, arr[key+1:]); err != nil {
h.Projects = append(arr[:key], arr[key+1:]...)
// Inserts a new project in the list
func (h *Blueprint) Insert(p *cli.Context) error {
err := h.Add(p)
return err
// Remove a project
func (h *Blueprint) Remove(p *cli.Context) error {
for key, val := range h.Projects {
if p.String("name") == val.Name {
h.Projects = append(h.Projects[:key], h.Projects[key+1:]...)
return nil
return errors.New("No project found.")
// List of all the projects
func (h *Blueprint) List() error {
err := h.check()
if err == nil {
for _, val := range h.Projects {
fmt.Println(h.Blue.Bold("|"), h.Blue.Bold(strings.ToUpper(val.Name)))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Base Path"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Path))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Run"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Run))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Build"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Build))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Install"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Bin))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Fmt"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Fmt))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Test"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Test))
if len(val.Params) > 0 {
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Params"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Params))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Watcher"), ":")
if len(val.Watcher.After) > 0 {
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("After"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Watcher.After))
if len(val.Watcher.Before) > 0 {
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Before"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Watcher.Before))
if len(val.Watcher.Exts) > 0 {
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Extensions"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Watcher.Exts))
if len(val.Watcher.Paths) > 0 {
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Paths"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Watcher.Paths))
if len(val.Watcher.Ignore) > 0 {
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Ignored paths"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Watcher.Ignore))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Files preview"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Watcher.Preview))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Cli"), ":")
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Streams"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.Cli.Streams))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t", h.Yellow.Regular("File"), ":")
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Streams"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.File.Streams))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Logs"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.File.Logs))
fmt.Println(h.Magenta.Regular("|"), "\t\t", h.Yellow.Regular("Errors"), ":", h.Magenta.Regular(val.File.Errors))
return nil
return err
// Check whether there is a project
func (h *Blueprint) check() error {
if len(h.Projects) > 0 {
return nil
} else {
return errors.New("There are no projects. The config file is empty.")
// NameParam check the project name presence. If empty takes the working directory name
func (h *Blueprint) name(p *cli.Context) string {
var name string
if p.String("name") == "" && p.String("path") == "" {
return h.Wdir()
} else if p.String("path") != "/" {
name = filepath.Base(p.String("path"))
} else {
name = p.String("name")
return name
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package cli
import (
import (
@ -14,27 +13,23 @@ import (
// GoRun is an implementation of the bin execution
// GoRun is an implementation of the bin execution
func (p *Project) GoRun(channel chan bool, runner chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup) error {
func (p *Project) goRun(channel chan bool, runner chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup) error {
sync := func() {
p.parent.Sync <- "sync"
var build *exec.Cmd
var build *exec.Cmd
if len(p.Params) != 0 {
if len(p.Params) != 0 {
build = exec.Command(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.Path)), p.Params...)
build = exec.Command(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.path)), p.Params...)
} else {
} else {
build = exec.Command(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.Path)))
build = exec.Command(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.path)))
build.Dir = p.base
build.Dir = p.base
defer func() {
defer func() {
if err := build.Process.Kill(); err != nil {
if err := build.Process.Kill(); err != nil {
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Failed to stop: " + err.Error()})
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Failed to stop: " + err.Error()})
log.Fatal(Red("Failed to stop: "), Red(err))
p.Fatal("Failed to stop:", err)
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Ended"})
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Ended"})
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 2), ":", RedS("Ended"))
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", p.Red.Regular("Ended"))
go sync()
@ -42,11 +37,11 @@ func (p *Project) GoRun(channel chan bool, runner chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup)
stderr, err := build.StderrPipe()
stderr, err := build.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
if err := build.Start(); err != nil {
if err := build.Start(); err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -59,21 +54,20 @@ func (p *Project) GoRun(channel chan bool, runner chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup)
select {
select {
if isError {
if isError {
p.Buffer.StdErr = append(p.Buffer.StdErr, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: output.Text()})
p.Buffer.StdErr = append(p.Buffer.StdErr, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: output.Text(), Type: "Go Run"})
} else {
} else {
p.Buffer.StdOut = append(p.Buffer.StdOut, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: output.Text()})
p.Buffer.StdOut = append(p.Buffer.StdOut, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: output.Text()})
go sync()
if p.Cli.Streams {
if p.Watcher.Output["cli"] {
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 3), ":", p.Blue.Regular(output.Text()))
log.Println(pname(p.Name, 3), ":", BlueS(output.Text()))
if p.Watcher.Output["file"] {
if p.File.Streams {
path := filepath.Join(p.base, p.parent.Files["output"])
path := filepath.Join(p.base, p.Resources.Output)
f := create(path)
f := p.Create(path)
t := time.Now()
t := time.Now()
if _, err := f.WriteString(t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") + " : " + output.Text() + "\r\n"); err != nil {
if _, err := f.WriteString(t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") + " : " + output.Text() + "\r\n"); err != nil {
p.Fatal("", err)
@ -97,7 +91,10 @@ func (p *Project) GoRun(channel chan bool, runner chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup)
// GoBuild is an implementation of the "go build"
// GoBuild is an implementation of the "go build"
func (p *Project) GoBuild() (string, error) {
func (p *Project) goBuild() (string, error) {
defer func() {
var out bytes.Buffer
var out bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
build := exec.Command("go", "build")
build := exec.Command("go", "build")
@ -111,12 +108,15 @@ func (p *Project) GoBuild() (string, error) {
// GoInstall is an implementation of the "go install"
// GoInstall is an implementation of the "go install"
func (p *Project) GoInstall() (string, error) {
func (p *Project) goInstall() (string, error) {
defer func() {
var out bytes.Buffer
var out bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
err := os.Setenv("GOBIN", filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "bin"))
err := os.Setenv("GOBIN", filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "bin"))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return "", nil
return "", err
build := exec.Command("go", "install")
build := exec.Command("go", "install")
build.Dir = p.base
build.Dir = p.base
@ -129,41 +129,69 @@ func (p *Project) GoInstall() (string, error) {
// GoFmt is an implementation of the gofmt
// GoFmt is an implementation of the gofmt
func (p *Project) GoFmt(path string) (io.Writer, error) {
func (p *Project) goFmt(path string) (string, error) {
var out bytes.Buffer
var out, stderr bytes.Buffer
build := exec.Command("gofmt", "-s", "-w", "-e", path)
build := exec.Command("gofmt", "-s", "-w", "-e", path)
build.Dir = p.base
build.Dir = p.base
build.Stdout = &out
build.Stdout = &out
build.Stderr = &out
build.Stderr = &stderr
if err := build.Run(); err != nil {
if err := build.Run(); err != nil {
return build.Stderr, err
return stderr.String(), err
return nil, nil
return "", nil
// GoTest is an implementation of the go test
// GoTest is an implementation of the go test
func (p *Project) GoTest(path string) (io.Writer, error) {
func (p *Project) goTest(path string) (string, error) {
var out bytes.Buffer
var out, stderr bytes.Buffer
build := exec.Command("go", "test")
build := exec.Command("go", "test")
build.Dir = path
build.Dir = path
build.Stdout = &out
build.Stdout = &out
build.Stderr = &out
build.Stderr = &stderr
if err := build.Run(); err != nil {
if err := build.Run(); err != nil {
return build.Stdout, err
return stderr.String(), err
return nil, nil
return "", nil
// Cmd exec a list of defined commands
// GoGenerate is an implementation of the go test
func (p *Project) Cmd(cmds []string) (errors []error) {
func (p *Project) goGenerate(path string) (string, error) {
var out, stderr bytes.Buffer
build := exec.Command("go", "generate")
build.Dir = path
build.Stdout = &out
build.Stderr = &stderr
if err := build.Run(); err != nil {
return stderr.String(), err
return "", nil
// Cmds exec a list of defined commands
func (p *Project) cmds(cmds []string) (errors []string) {
defer func() {
for _, cmd := range cmds {
for _, cmd := range cmds {
var out bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(cmd, "'", "", -1), "\"", "", -1)
cmd := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(cmd, "'", "", -1), "\"", "", -1)
c := strings.Split(cmd, " ")
c := strings.Split(cmd, " ")
build := exec.Command(c[0], c[1:]...)
build := exec.Command(c[0], c[1:]...)
build.Dir = p.base
build.Dir = p.base
build.Stdout = &out
build.Stderr = &stderr
if err := build.Run(); err != nil {
if err := build.Run(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err)
errors = append(errors, stderr.String())
return errors
return errors
return nil
// Sync datas with the web server
func (p *Project) sync() {
go func() {
p.parent.Sync <- "sync"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
package cli
import (
c ""
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Log struct
type logWriter struct {
// Projects struct contains a projects list
type Blueprint struct {
*c.Settings `yaml:"-"`
Projects []Project `yaml:"projects,omitempty" json:"projects,omitempty"`
Sync chan string `yaml:"-"`
// Project defines the informations of a single project
type Project struct {
c.Settings `yaml:"-"`
LastChangedOn time.Time `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
base string
Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"`
Path string `yaml:"path" json:"path"`
Run bool `yaml:"run" json:"run"`
Bin bool `yaml:"bin" json:"bin"`
Generate bool `yaml:"generate" json:"generate"`
Build bool `yaml:"build" json:"build"`
Fmt bool `yaml:"fmt" json:"fmt"`
Test bool `yaml:"test" json:"test"`
Params []string `yaml:"params" json:"params"`
Watcher Watcher `yaml:"watcher" json:"watcher"`
Cli Cli `yaml:"cli" json:"cli"`
File File `yaml:"file" json:"file"`
Buffer Buffer `yaml:"-" json:"buffer"`
parent *Blueprint
path string
// Watcher struct defines the livereload's logic
type Watcher struct {
// different before and after on re-run?
Before []string `yaml:"before" json:"before"`
After []string `yaml:"after" json:"after"`
Paths []string `yaml:"paths" json:"paths"`
Ignore []string `yaml:"ignore_paths" json:"ignore"`
Exts []string `yaml:"exts" json:"exts"`
Preview bool `yaml:"preview" json:"preview"`
type Cli struct {
Streams bool `yaml:"streams" json:"streams"`
type File struct {
Streams bool `yaml:"streams" json:"streams"`
Logs bool `yaml:"logs" json:"logs"`
Errors bool `yaml:"errors" json:"errors"`
// Buffer struct for buffering outputs
type Buffer struct {
StdOut []BufferOut `json:"stdOut"`
StdLog []BufferOut `json:"stdLog"`
StdErr []BufferOut `json:"stdErr"`
type BufferOut struct {
Time time.Time `json:"time"`
Text string `json:"text"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Stream string `json:"stream"`
Errors []string `json:"errors"`
// Initialize the application
func init() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package cli
import (
// Argsparam parse one by one the given argumentes
func argsParam(params *cli.Context) []string {
argsN := params.NArg()
if argsN > 0 {
var args []string
for i := 0; i <= argsN-1; i++ {
args = append(args, params.Args().Get(i))
return args
return nil
// Duplicates check projects with same name or same combinations of main/path
func duplicates(value Project, arr []Project) (Project, error) {
for _, val := range arr {
if value.Path == val.Path || value.Name == val.Name {
return val, errors.New("There is a duplicate of '" + val.Name + "'. Check your config file!")
return Project{}, nil
// Check if a string is inArray
func inArray(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if v == str {
return true
return false
// Rewrite the layout of the log timestamp
func (w logWriter) Write(bytes []byte) (int, error) {
return fmt.Print(w.Yellow.Regular("[") + time.Now().Format("15:04:05") + w.Yellow.Regular("]") + string(bytes))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
package cli
import (
// Watching method is the main core. It manages the livereload and the watching
func (p *Project) watching() {
var wr sync.WaitGroup
var watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
channel, exit := make(chan bool, 1), make(chan bool, 1)
p.path = p.Path
watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
log.Println(strings.ToUpper(p.pname(p.Name, 1)), ":", p.Red.Bold(err.Error()))
defer func() {
if p.walks(watcher) != nil {
log.Println(strings.ToUpper(p.pname(p.Name, 1)), ":", p.Red.Bold(err.Error()))
go p.routines(channel, &wr)
p.LastChangedOn = time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
// waiting for an event
for {
select {
case event := <-watcher.Events:
if time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).After(p.LastChangedOn) {
if event.Op&fsnotify.Chmod == fsnotify.Chmod {
if _, err := os.Stat(event.Name); err == nil {
var ext string
if index := strings.Index(filepath.Ext(event.Name), "_"); index == -1 {
ext = filepath.Ext(event.Name)
} else {
ext = filepath.Ext(event.Name)[0:index]
i := strings.Index(event.Name, filepath.Ext(event.Name))
file := event.Name[:i] + ext
path := filepath.Dir(event.Name[:i])
if event.Name[:i] != "" && inArray(ext, p.Watcher.Exts) {
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: strings.ToUpper(ext[1:]) + " changed " + file})
go func() {
p.parent.Sync <- "sync"
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 4), ":", p.Magenta.Bold(strings.ToUpper(ext[1:])+" changed"), p.Magenta.Bold(file))
// stop and run again
if p.Run {
channel = make(chan bool)
// handle multiple errors, need a better way
go p.routines(channel, &wr)
p.LastChangedOn = time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
case err := <-watcher.Errors:
case <-exit:
// Install calls an implementation of the "go install"
func (p *Project) install(channel chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer func() {
if p.Bin {
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 1), ":", "Installing..")
start := time.Now()
if stream, err := p.goInstall(); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", p.Red.Bold("Go Install"), p.Red.Regular(err.Error()))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: err.Error(), Type: "Go Install", Stream: stream}
p.print("error", out, msg, stream)
} else {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 5), ":", p.Green.Regular("Installed")+" after", p.Magenta.Regular(big.NewFloat(float64(time.Since(start).Seconds())).Text('f', 3), " s"))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Installed"}
p.print("log", out, msg, stream)
if p.Run {
runner := make(chan bool, 1)
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 1), ":", "Running..")
start = time.Now()
go p.goRun(channel, runner, wr)
for {
select {
case <-runner:
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 5), ":", p.Green.Regular("Has been run")+" after", p.Magenta.Regular(big.NewFloat(float64(time.Since(start).Seconds())).Text('f', 3), " s"))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Has been run"}
p.print("log", out, msg, stream)
// Build calls an implementation of the "go build"
func (p *Project) build() {
defer func() {
if p.Build {
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 1), ":", "Building..")
start := time.Now()
if stream, err := p.goBuild(); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", p.Red.Bold("Go Build"), p.Red.Regular(err.Error()))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: err.Error(), Type: "Go Build", Stream: stream}
p.print("error", out, msg, stream)
} else {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 5), ":", p.Green.Regular("Builded")+" after", p.Magenta.Regular(big.NewFloat(float64(time.Since(start).Seconds())).Text('f', 3), " s"))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Builded"}
p.print("log", out, msg, stream)
// Fmt calls an implementation of the "go fmt"
func (p *Project) fmt(path string) error {
defer func() {
if p.Fmt {
if stream, err := p.goFmt(path); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", p.Red.Bold("Go Fmt"), p.Red.Regular("there are some errors in"), ":", p.Magenta.Bold(path))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "there are some errors in", Path: path, Type: "Go Fmt", Stream: stream}
p.print("error", out, msg, stream)
return err
return nil
// Generate calls an implementation of the "go generate"
func (p *Project) generate(path string) error {
defer func() {
if p.Generate {
if stream, err := p.goGenerate(path); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", p.Red.Bold("Go Generate"), p.Red.Regular("there are some errors in"), ":", p.Magenta.Bold(path))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "there are some errors in", Path: path, Type: "Go Generate", Stream: stream}
p.print("error", out, msg, stream)
return err
return nil
// Cmd calls an wrapper for execute the commands after/before
func (p *Project) cmd(exit chan bool) {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
cast := func(commands []string) {
if errs := p.cmds(commands); errs != nil {
for _, err := range errs {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", p.Red.Bold(err))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: err, Type: "After/Before"}
p.print("error", out, msg, "")
if len(p.Watcher.Before) > 0 {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-c:
if len(p.Watcher.After) > 0 {
// Test calls an implementation of the "go test"
func (p *Project) test(path string) error {
defer func() {
if p.Test {
if stream, err := p.goTest(path); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", p.Red.Bold("Go Test"), p.Red.Regular("there are some errors in "), ":", p.Magenta.Bold(path))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "there are some errors in", Path: path, Type: "Go Test", Stream: stream}
p.print("error", out, msg, stream)
return err
return nil
// Walks the file tree of a project
func (p *Project) walks(watcher *fsnotify.Watcher) error {
var files, folders int64
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
walk := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if !p.ignore(path) {
if (info.IsDir() && len(filepath.Ext(path)) == 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(path, ".")) && !strings.Contains(path, "/.") || (inArray(filepath.Ext(path), p.Watcher.Exts)) {
if p.Watcher.Preview {
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 1), ":", path)
if err = watcher.Add(path); err != nil {
return filepath.SkipDir
if inArray(filepath.Ext(path), p.Watcher.Exts) {
} else {
return nil
if p.path == "." || p.path == "/" {
p.base = wd
p.path = p.Wdir()
} else if filepath.IsAbs(p.path) {
p.base = p.path
} else {
p.base = filepath.Join(wd, p.path)
for _, dir := range p.Watcher.Paths {
base := filepath.Join(p.base, dir)
if _, err := os.Stat(base); err == nil {
if err := filepath.Walk(base, walk); err != nil {
} else {
return errors.New(base + " path doesn't exist")
log.Println(p.pname(p.Name, 1), ":", p.Blue.Bold("Watching"), p.Magenta.Bold(files), "file/s", p.Magenta.Bold(folders), "folder/s")
return nil
// Ignore validates a path
func (p *Project) ignore(str string) bool {
for _, v := range p.Watcher.Ignore {
if strings.Contains(str, filepath.Join(p.base, v)) {
return true
return false
// Routines launches the following methods: run, build, install
func (p *Project) routines(channel chan bool, wr *sync.WaitGroup) {
go p.install(channel, wr)
// Defines the colors scheme for the project name
func (p *Project) pname(name string, color int) string {
switch color {
case 1:
name = p.Yellow.Regular("[") + strings.ToUpper(name) + p.Yellow.Regular("]")
case 2:
name = p.Yellow.Regular("[") + p.Red.Bold(strings.ToUpper(name)) + p.Yellow.Regular("]")
case 3:
name = p.Yellow.Regular("[") + p.Blue.Bold(strings.ToUpper(name)) + p.Yellow.Regular("]")
case 4:
name = p.Yellow.Regular("[") + p.Magenta.Bold(strings.ToUpper(name)) + p.Yellow.Regular("]")
case 5:
name = p.Yellow.Regular("[") + p.Green.Bold(strings.ToUpper(name)) + p.Yellow.Regular("]")
return name
func (p *Project) print(t string, o BufferOut, msg string, stream string) {
switch t {
case "out":
p.Buffer.StdOut = append(p.Buffer.StdOut, o)
if p.File.Streams {
path := filepath.Join(p.base, p.Resources.Output)
f := p.Create(path)
t := time.Now()
if _, err := f.WriteString(t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") + " : " + o.Text + "\r\n"); err != nil {
p.Fatal("", err)
case "log":
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, o)
if p.File.Logs {
path := filepath.Join(p.base, p.Resources.Log)
f := p.Create(path)
t := time.Now()
if _, err := f.WriteString(t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") + " : " + o.Text + "\r\n"); err != nil {
p.Fatal("", err)
case "error":
p.Buffer.StdErr = append(p.Buffer.StdErr, o)
if p.File.Errors {
path := filepath.Join(p.base, p.Resources.Log)
f := p.Create(path)
t := time.Now()
if _, err := f.WriteString(t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") + " : " + o.Text + "\r\n"); err != nil {
p.Fatal("", err)
if stream != "" {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user