## Realize [![GoDoc](https://img.shields.io/badge/documentation-godoc-blue.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/tockins/realize) [![TeamCity CodeBetter](https://travis-ci.org/tockins/realize.svg?branch=v1)](https://travis-ci.org/tockins/realize) [![AUR](https://img.shields.io/aur/license/yaourt.svg?maxAge=2592000?style=flat-square)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tockins/realize/v1/LICENSE) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/realize-examples-yellow.svg)](https://github.com/tockins/realize-examples) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/tockins/realize](https://badges.gitter.im/tockins/realize.svg)](https://gitter.im/tockins/realize?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/tockins/realize)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/tockins/realize) ![Logo](http://i.imgur.com/8nr2s1b.jpg) A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths ![Preview](http://i.imgur.com/dJbNZjt.gif) #### What's new ##### v1.1 - [ ] Windows support - **Moved to 1.2** - [x] Custom paths for the commands fast/add - [x] Save output on a file - [x] Before/After fields enabled - [x] Web panel in material design (localhost:5000) #### Features - Build, Install, Test, Fmt and Run at the same time - Live reload on file changes (re-build, re-install and re-run) - Watch custom paths - Watch specific file extensions - Multiple projects support - Output streams - Execution times - Highly customizable - Fast run #### Installation and usage - Run this to get/install: ``` $ go get github.com/tockins/realize ``` - From project/projects root execute: ``` $ realize add ``` It will create a realize.config.yaml file if it doesn't exist already and adds the working directory as the project. Otherwise if a config file already exists it adds another project to the existing config file. The add command supports the following custom parameters: ``` --name="Project Name" -> Name, if not specified takes the working directory name --path="server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name --build -> Enables the build --test -> Enables the tests --no-bin -> Disables the installation --no-run -> Disables the run --no-fmt -> Disables the fmt (go fmt) --no-server -> Disables the web panel (port :5000) --open -> Open the web panel in a new browser window ``` Examples: ``` $ realize add $ realize add --path="mypath" $ realize add --name="My Project" --build $ realize add --name="My Project" --path="/projects/package" --build $ realize add --name="My Project" --path="projects/package" --build --no-run $ realize add --path="/Users/alessio/go/src/github.com/tockins/realize-examples/coin/" ``` If you want, you can specify additional arguments for your project. **The additional arguments must go after the options of "Realize"** ``` $ realize add --path="/print/printer" --no-run yourParams --yourFlags // correct $ realize add yourParams --yourFlags --path="/print/printer" --no-run // wrong ``` - Remove a project by its name ``` $ realize remove --name="Project Name" ``` - Lists all projects ``` $ realize list ``` - Build, Run and watch file changes. Realize will re-build and re-run your projects on each change. ``` $ realize run ``` Run can also launch a project from its working directory without a config file. It supports the following custom parameters: ``` --path="server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name --build -> Enables the build --test -> Enables the tests --config -> Take the defined settings if exist a config file --no-bin -> Disables the installation --no-run -> Disables the run --no-fmt -> Disables the fmt (go fmt) --no-server -> Disables the web panel (port :5000) --open -> Open the web panel in a new browser window ``` And addittional arguments as the "add" command. ``` $ realize run --no-run yourParams --yourFlags // correct $ realize run yourParams --yourFlags --no-run // wrong $ realize run --path="/Users/alessio/go/src/github.com/tockins/realize-examples/coin/" ``` #### Color reference - Blue: outputs of the project - Red: errors - Magenta: times or changed files - Green: successfully completed action #### Config file example - For more examples check [Realize Examples](https://github.com/tockins/realize-examples) ``` settings: resources: output: outputs.log // name of the output file log: logs.log // name of the log file (errors included) server: enable: true // enables the web server open: false // opens the web server in a new tab host: localhost // web server host port: 5000 // wev server port projects: - name: printer // project name path: / // project path run: true // enables go run (require bin) bin: true // enables go install generate: false // enables go generate build: false // enables go build fmt: true // enables go fmt test: false // enables go test params: [] // array of additionals params. the project will be launched with these parameters watcher: before: [] // custom commands launched before the execution of the project after: [] // custom commands launched after the execution of the project paths: // paths to observe for live reload - / ignore_paths: // paths to ignore - vendor exts: // file extensions to observe for live reload - .go preview: true // prints the observed files on startup cli: streams: true // prints the output streams of the project in the cli file: streams: false // saves the output stream of the project in a file logs: false // saves the logs of the project in a file errors: false // saves the errors of the project in a file ``` #### Next release ##### v1.3 - [ ] Web panel - edit settings #### Contacts - Chat with us [Gitter](https://gitter.im/tockins/realize) - [Alessio Pracchia](https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessio-pracchia-38a70673) - [Daniele Conventi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/conventi)