/* See LICENSE for license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *argv0; #include "arg.h" #include "st.h" #include "win.h" /* types used in config.h */ typedef struct { uint mod; KeySym keysym; void (*func)(const Arg *); const Arg arg; } Shortcut; typedef struct { uint b; uint mask; char *s; } MouseShortcut; typedef struct { KeySym k; uint mask; char *s; /* three-valued logic variables: 0 indifferent, 1 on, -1 off */ signed char appkey; /* application keypad */ signed char appcursor; /* application cursor */ } Key; /* X modifiers */ #define XK_ANY_MOD UINT_MAX #define XK_NO_MOD 0 #define XK_SWITCH_MOD (1<<13) /* function definitions used in config.h */ static void clipcopy(const Arg *); static void clippaste(const Arg *); static void numlock(const Arg *); static void selpaste(const Arg *); static void zoom(const Arg *); static void zoomabs(const Arg *); static void zoomreset(const Arg *); #include "patch/st_include.h" #include "patch/x_include.h" /* config.h for applying patches and the configuration. */ #include "config.h" /* XEMBED messages */ #define XEMBED_FOCUS_IN 4 #define XEMBED_FOCUS_OUT 5 /* macros */ #define IS_SET(flag) ((win.mode & (flag)) != 0) #define TRUERED(x) (((x) & 0xff0000) >> 8) #define TRUEGREEN(x) (((x) & 0xff00)) #define TRUEBLUE(x) (((x) & 0xff) << 8) typedef XftDraw *Draw; typedef XftColor Color; typedef XftGlyphFontSpec GlyphFontSpec; /* Purely graphic info */ typedef struct { int tw, th; /* tty width and height */ int w, h; /* window width and height */ #if ANYSIZE_PATCH int hborderpx, vborderpx; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH int ch; /* char height */ int cw; /* char width */ int mode; /* window state/mode flags */ int cursor; /* cursor style */ } TermWindow; typedef struct { Display *dpy; Colormap cmap; Window win; Drawable buf; GlyphFontSpec *specbuf; /* font spec buffer used for rendering */ Atom xembed, wmdeletewin, netwmname, netwmpid; XIM xim; XIC xic; Draw draw; Visual *vis; XSetWindowAttributes attrs; #if HIDECURSOR_PATCH /* Here, we use the term *pointer* to differentiate the cursor * one sees when hovering the mouse over the terminal from, e.g., * a green rectangle where text would be entered. */ Cursor vpointer, bpointer; /* visible and hidden pointers */ int pointerisvisible; #endif // HIDECURSOR_PATCH int scr; int isfixed; /* is fixed geometry? */ #if ALPHA_PATCH int depth; /* bit depth */ #endif // ALPHA_PATCH int l, t; /* left and top offset */ int gm; /* geometry mask */ } XWindow; typedef struct { Atom xtarget; char *primary, *clipboard; struct timespec tclick1; struct timespec tclick2; } XSelection; /* Font structure */ #define Font Font_ typedef struct { int height; int width; int ascent; int descent; int badslant; int badweight; short lbearing; short rbearing; XftFont *match; FcFontSet *set; FcPattern *pattern; } Font; /* Drawing Context */ typedef struct { Color *col; size_t collen; Font font, bfont, ifont, ibfont; GC gc; } DC; static inline ushort sixd_to_16bit(int); static int xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *, const Glyph *, int, int, int); static void xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *, Glyph, int, int, int); static void xdrawglyph(Glyph, int, int); static void xclear(int, int, int, int); static int xgeommasktogravity(int); static void xinit(int, int); static void cresize(int, int); static void xresize(int, int); static void xhints(void); static int xloadcolor(int, const char *, Color *); static int xloadfont(Font *, FcPattern *); static void xloadfonts(char *, double); static void xunloadfont(Font *); static void xunloadfonts(void); static void xsetenv(void); static void xseturgency(int); static int evcol(XEvent *); static int evrow(XEvent *); static void expose(XEvent *); static void visibility(XEvent *); static void unmap(XEvent *); static void kpress(XEvent *); static void cmessage(XEvent *); static void resize(XEvent *); static void focus(XEvent *); static void brelease(XEvent *); static void bpress(XEvent *); static void bmotion(XEvent *); static void propnotify(XEvent *); static void selnotify(XEvent *); static void selclear_(XEvent *); static void selrequest(XEvent *); static void setsel(char *, Time); static void mousesel(XEvent *, int); static void mousereport(XEvent *); static char *kmap(KeySym, uint); static int match(uint, uint); static void run(void); static void usage(void); static void (*handler[LASTEvent])(XEvent *) = { [KeyPress] = kpress, [ClientMessage] = cmessage, [ConfigureNotify] = resize, [VisibilityNotify] = visibility, [UnmapNotify] = unmap, [Expose] = expose, [FocusIn] = focus, [FocusOut] = focus, [MotionNotify] = bmotion, [ButtonPress] = bpress, [ButtonRelease] = brelease, /* * Uncomment if you want the selection to disappear when you select something * different in another window. */ /* [SelectionClear] = selclear_, */ [SelectionNotify] = selnotify, /* * PropertyNotify is only turned on when there is some INCR transfer happening * for the selection retrieval. */ [PropertyNotify] = propnotify, [SelectionRequest] = selrequest, }; /* Globals */ static DC dc; static XWindow xw; static XSelection xsel; static TermWindow win; /* Font Ring Cache */ enum { FRC_NORMAL, FRC_ITALIC, FRC_BOLD, FRC_ITALICBOLD }; typedef struct { XftFont *font; int flags; Rune unicodep; } Fontcache; /* Fontcache is an array now. A new font will be appended to the array. */ static Fontcache frc[16]; static int frclen = 0; static char *usedfont = NULL; static double usedfontsize = 0; static double defaultfontsize = 0; #if ALPHA_PATCH static char *opt_alpha = NULL; #endif // ALPHA_PATCH static char *opt_class = NULL; static char **opt_cmd = NULL; static char *opt_embed = NULL; static char *opt_font = NULL; static char *opt_io = NULL; static char *opt_line = NULL; static char *opt_name = NULL; static char *opt_title = NULL; static int oldbutton = 3; /* button event on startup: 3 = release */ #include "patch/x_include.c" void clipcopy(const Arg *dummy) { Atom clipboard; free(xsel.clipboard); xsel.clipboard = NULL; if (xsel.primary != NULL) { xsel.clipboard = xstrdup(xsel.primary); clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); XSetSelectionOwner(xw.dpy, clipboard, xw.win, CurrentTime); } } void clippaste(const Arg *dummy) { Atom clipboard; clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); XConvertSelection(xw.dpy, clipboard, xsel.xtarget, clipboard, xw.win, CurrentTime); } void selpaste(const Arg *dummy) { XConvertSelection(xw.dpy, XA_PRIMARY, xsel.xtarget, XA_PRIMARY, xw.win, CurrentTime); } void numlock(const Arg *dummy) { win.mode ^= MODE_NUMLOCK; } void zoom(const Arg *arg) { Arg larg; larg.f = usedfontsize + arg->f; zoomabs(&larg); } void zoomabs(const Arg *arg) { xunloadfonts(); xloadfonts(usedfont, arg->f); cresize(0, 0); redraw(); xhints(); } void zoomreset(const Arg *arg) { Arg larg; if (defaultfontsize > 0) { larg.f = defaultfontsize; zoomabs(&larg); } } int evcol(XEvent *e) { #if ANYSIZE_PATCH int x = e->xbutton.x - win.hborderpx; #else int x = e->xbutton.x - borderpx; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH LIMIT(x, 0, win.tw - 1); return x / win.cw; } int evrow(XEvent *e) { #if ANYSIZE_PATCH int y = e->xbutton.y - win.vborderpx; #else int y = e->xbutton.y - borderpx; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH LIMIT(y, 0, win.th - 1); return y / win.ch; } void mousesel(XEvent *e, int done) { int type, seltype = SEL_REGULAR; uint state = e->xbutton.state & ~(Button1Mask | forceselmod); for (type = 1; type < LEN(selmasks); ++type) { if (match(selmasks[type], state)) { seltype = type; break; } } selextend(evcol(e), evrow(e), seltype, done); if (done) setsel(getsel(), e->xbutton.time); } void mousereport(XEvent *e) { int len, x = evcol(e), y = evrow(e), button = e->xbutton.button, state = e->xbutton.state; char buf[40]; static int ox, oy; /* from urxvt */ if (e->xbutton.type == MotionNotify) { if (x == ox && y == oy) return; if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMOTION) && !IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMANY)) return; /* MOUSE_MOTION: no reporting if no button is pressed */ if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMOTION) && oldbutton == 3) return; button = oldbutton + 32; ox = x; oy = y; } else { if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSESGR) && e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease) { button = 3; } else { button -= Button1; if (button >= 3) button += 64 - 3; } if (e->xbutton.type == ButtonPress) { oldbutton = button; ox = x; oy = y; } else if (e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease) { oldbutton = 3; /* MODE_MOUSEX10: no button release reporting */ if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEX10)) return; if (button == 64 || button == 65) return; } } if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEX10)) { button += ((state & ShiftMask ) ? 4 : 0) + ((state & Mod4Mask ) ? 8 : 0) + ((state & ControlMask) ? 16 : 0); } if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSESGR)) { len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[<%d;%d;%d%c", button, x+1, y+1, e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease ? 'm' : 'M'); } else if (x < 223 && y < 223) { len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[M%c%c%c", 32+button, 32+x+1, 32+y+1); } else { return; } ttywrite(buf, len, 0); } void bpress(XEvent *e) { struct timespec now; MouseShortcut *ms; int snap; if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSE) && !(e->xbutton.state & forceselmod)) { mousereport(e); return; } for (ms = mshortcuts; ms < mshortcuts + LEN(mshortcuts); ms++) { if (e->xbutton.button == ms->b && match(ms->mask, e->xbutton.state)) { ttywrite(ms->s, strlen(ms->s), 1); return; } } if (e->xbutton.button == Button1) { /* * If the user clicks below predefined timeouts specific * snapping behaviour is exposed. */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); if (TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick2) <= tripleclicktimeout) { snap = SNAP_LINE; } else if (TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick1) <= doubleclicktimeout) { snap = SNAP_WORD; } else { snap = 0; } xsel.tclick2 = xsel.tclick1; xsel.tclick1 = now; selstart(evcol(e), evrow(e), snap); } } void propnotify(XEvent *e) { XPropertyEvent *xpev; Atom clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); xpev = &e->xproperty; if (xpev->state == PropertyNewValue && (xpev->atom == XA_PRIMARY || xpev->atom == clipboard)) { selnotify(e); } } void selnotify(XEvent *e) { ulong nitems, ofs, rem; int format; uchar *data, *last, *repl; Atom type, incratom, property = None; incratom = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "INCR", 0); ofs = 0; if (e->type == SelectionNotify) property = e->xselection.property; else if (e->type == PropertyNotify) property = e->xproperty.atom; if (property == None) return; do { if (XGetWindowProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, property, ofs, BUFSIZ/4, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &rem, &data)) { fprintf(stderr, "Clipboard allocation failed\n"); return; } if (e->type == PropertyNotify && nitems == 0 && rem == 0) { /* * If there is some PropertyNotify with no data, then * this is the signal of the selection owner that all * data has been transferred. We won't need to receive * PropertyNotify events anymore. */ MODBIT(xw.attrs.event_mask, 0, PropertyChangeMask); XChangeWindowAttributes(xw.dpy, xw.win, CWEventMask, &xw.attrs); } if (type == incratom) { /* * Activate the PropertyNotify events so we receive * when the selection owner does send us the next * chunk of data. */ MODBIT(xw.attrs.event_mask, 1, PropertyChangeMask); XChangeWindowAttributes(xw.dpy, xw.win, CWEventMask, &xw.attrs); /* * Deleting the property is the transfer start signal. */ XDeleteProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, (int)property); continue; } /* * As seen in getsel: * Line endings are inconsistent in the terminal and GUI world * copy and pasting. When receiving some selection data, * replace all '\n' with '\r'. * FIXME: Fix the computer world. */ repl = data; last = data + nitems * format / 8; while ((repl = memchr(repl, '\n', last - repl))) { *repl++ = '\r'; } if (IS_SET(MODE_BRCKTPASTE) && ofs == 0) ttywrite("\033[200~", 6, 0); ttywrite((char *)data, nitems * format / 8, 1); if (IS_SET(MODE_BRCKTPASTE) && rem == 0) ttywrite("\033[201~", 6, 0); XFree(data); /* number of 32-bit chunks returned */ ofs += nitems * format / 32; } while (rem > 0); /* * Deleting the property again tells the selection owner to send the * next data chunk in the property. */ XDeleteProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, (int)property); } void xclipcopy(void) { clipcopy(NULL); } void selclear_(XEvent *e) { selclear(); } void selrequest(XEvent *e) { XSelectionRequestEvent *xsre; XSelectionEvent xev; Atom xa_targets, string, clipboard; char *seltext; xsre = (XSelectionRequestEvent *) e; xev.type = SelectionNotify; xev.requestor = xsre->requestor; xev.selection = xsre->selection; xev.target = xsre->target; xev.time = xsre->time; if (xsre->property == None) xsre->property = xsre->target; /* reject */ xev.property = None; xa_targets = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "TARGETS", 0); if (xsre->target == xa_targets) { /* respond with the supported type */ string = xsel.xtarget; XChangeProperty(xsre->display, xsre->requestor, xsre->property, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (uchar *) &string, 1); xev.property = xsre->property; } else if (xsre->target == xsel.xtarget || xsre->target == XA_STRING) { /* * xith XA_STRING non ascii characters may be incorrect in the * requestor. It is not our problem, use utf8. */ clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); if (xsre->selection == XA_PRIMARY) { seltext = xsel.primary; } else if (xsre->selection == clipboard) { seltext = xsel.clipboard; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled clipboard selection 0x%lx\n", xsre->selection); return; } if (seltext != NULL) { XChangeProperty(xsre->display, xsre->requestor, xsre->property, xsre->target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar *)seltext, strlen(seltext)); xev.property = xsre->property; } } /* all done, send a notification to the listener */ if (!XSendEvent(xsre->display, xsre->requestor, 1, 0, (XEvent *) &xev)) fprintf(stderr, "Error sending SelectionNotify event\n"); } void setsel(char *str, Time t) { if (!str) return; free(xsel.primary); xsel.primary = str; XSetSelectionOwner(xw.dpy, XA_PRIMARY, xw.win, t); if (XGetSelectionOwner(xw.dpy, XA_PRIMARY) != xw.win) selclear(); #if CLIPBOARD_PATCH clipcopy(NULL); #endif // CLIPBOARD_PATCH } void xsetsel(char *str) { setsel(str, CurrentTime); } void brelease(XEvent *e) { if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSE) && !(e->xbutton.state & forceselmod)) { mousereport(e); return; } if (e->xbutton.button == Button2) #if CLIPBOARD_PATCH clippaste(NULL); #else selpaste(NULL); #endif // CLIPBOARD_PATCH else if (e->xbutton.button == Button1) mousesel(e, 1); } void bmotion(XEvent *e) { #if HIDECURSOR_PATCH if (!xw.pointerisvisible) { XDefineCursor(xw.dpy, xw.win, xw.vpointer); xw.pointerisvisible = 1; if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMANY)) xsetpointermotion(0); } #endif // HIDECURSOR_PATCH if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSE) && !(e->xbutton.state & forceselmod)) { mousereport(e); return; } mousesel(e, 0); } void cresize(int width, int height) { int col, row; if (width != 0) win.w = width; if (height != 0) win.h = height; col = (win.w - 2 * borderpx) / win.cw; row = (win.h - 2 * borderpx) / win.ch; col = MAX(1, col); row = MAX(1, row); #if ANYSIZE_PATCH win.hborderpx = (win.w - col * win.cw) / 2; win.vborderpx = (win.h - row * win.ch) / 2; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH tresize(col, row); xresize(col, row); ttyresize(win.tw, win.th); } void xresize(int col, int row) { win.tw = col * win.cw; win.th = row * win.ch; XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.buf); xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h, #if ALPHA_PATCH xw.depth #else DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr) #endif // ALPHA_PATCH ); XftDrawChange(xw.draw, xw.buf); xclear(0, 0, win.w, win.h); /* resize to new width */ xw.specbuf = xrealloc(xw.specbuf, col * sizeof(GlyphFontSpec)); } ushort sixd_to_16bit(int x) { return x == 0 ? 0 : 0x3737 + 0x2828 * x; } int xloadcolor(int i, const char *name, Color *ncolor) { XRenderColor color = { .alpha = 0xffff }; if (!name) { if (BETWEEN(i, 16, 255)) { /* 256 color */ if (i < 6*6*6+16) { /* same colors as xterm */ color.red = sixd_to_16bit( ((i-16)/36)%6 ); color.green = sixd_to_16bit( ((i-16)/6) %6 ); color.blue = sixd_to_16bit( ((i-16)/1) %6 ); } else { /* greyscale */ color.red = 0x0808 + 0x0a0a * (i - (6*6*6+16)); color.green = color.blue = color.red; } return XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &color, ncolor); } else name = colorname[i]; } return XftColorAllocName(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, name, ncolor); } void xloadcols(void) { int i; static int loaded; Color *cp; if (loaded) { for (cp = dc.col; cp < &dc.col[dc.collen]; ++cp) XftColorFree(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, cp); } else { dc.collen = MAX(LEN(colorname), 256); dc.col = xmalloc(dc.collen * sizeof(Color)); } for (i = 0; i < dc.collen; i++) if (!xloadcolor(i, NULL, &dc.col[i])) { if (colorname[i]) die("could not allocate color '%s'\n", colorname[i]); else die("could not allocate color %d\n", i); } #if ALPHA_PATCH /* set alpha value of bg color */ if (opt_alpha) alpha = strtof(opt_alpha, NULL); dc.col[defaultbg].color.alpha = (unsigned short)(0xffff * alpha); dc.col[defaultbg].pixel &= 0x00FFFFFF; dc.col[defaultbg].pixel |= (unsigned char)(0xff * alpha) << 24; #endif // ALPHA_PATCH loaded = 1; } int xsetcolorname(int x, const char *name) { Color ncolor; if (!BETWEEN(x, 0, dc.collen)) return 1; if (!xloadcolor(x, name, &ncolor)) return 1; XftColorFree(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &dc.col[x]); dc.col[x] = ncolor; return 0; } /* * Absolute coordinates. */ void xclear(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &dc.col[IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)? defaultfg : defaultbg], x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1); } void xhints(void) { #if XRESOURCES_PATCH XClassHint class = {opt_name ? opt_name : "st", opt_class ? opt_class : "St"}; #else XClassHint class = {opt_name ? opt_name : termname, opt_class ? opt_class : termname}; #endif // XRESOURCES_PATCH XWMHints wm = {.flags = InputHint, .input = 1}; XSizeHints *sizeh; sizeh = XAllocSizeHints(); sizeh->flags = PSize | PResizeInc | PBaseSize | PMinSize; sizeh->height = win.h; sizeh->width = win.w; #if ANYSIZE_PATCH sizeh->height_inc = 1; sizeh->width_inc = 1; #else sizeh->height_inc = win.ch; sizeh->width_inc = win.cw; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH sizeh->base_height = 2 * borderpx; sizeh->base_width = 2 * borderpx; sizeh->min_height = win.ch + 2 * borderpx; sizeh->min_width = win.cw + 2 * borderpx; if (xw.isfixed) { sizeh->flags |= PMaxSize; sizeh->min_width = sizeh->max_width = win.w; sizeh->min_height = sizeh->max_height = win.h; } if (xw.gm & (XValue|YValue)) { sizeh->flags |= USPosition | PWinGravity; sizeh->x = xw.l; sizeh->y = xw.t; sizeh->win_gravity = xgeommasktogravity(xw.gm); } XSetWMProperties(xw.dpy, xw.win, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, sizeh, &wm, &class); XFree(sizeh); } int xgeommasktogravity(int mask) { switch (mask & (XNegative|YNegative)) { case 0: return NorthWestGravity; case XNegative: return NorthEastGravity; case YNegative: return SouthWestGravity; } return SouthEastGravity; } int xloadfont(Font *f, FcPattern *pattern) { FcPattern *configured; FcPattern *match; FcResult result; XGlyphInfo extents; int wantattr, haveattr; /* * Manually configure instead of calling XftMatchFont * so that we can use the configured pattern for * "missing glyph" lookups. */ configured = FcPatternDuplicate(pattern); if (!configured) return 1; FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, configured, FcMatchPattern); XftDefaultSubstitute(xw.dpy, xw.scr, configured); match = FcFontMatch(NULL, configured, &result); if (!match) { FcPatternDestroy(configured); return 1; } if (!(f->match = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy, match))) { FcPatternDestroy(configured); FcPatternDestroy(match); return 1; } if ((XftPatternGetInteger(pattern, "slant", 0, &wantattr) == XftResultMatch)) { /* * Check if xft was unable to find a font with the appropriate * slant but gave us one anyway. Try to mitigate. */ if ((XftPatternGetInteger(f->match->pattern, "slant", 0, &haveattr) != XftResultMatch) || haveattr < wantattr) { f->badslant = 1; fputs("font slant does not match\n", stderr); } } if ((XftPatternGetInteger(pattern, "weight", 0, &wantattr) == XftResultMatch)) { if ((XftPatternGetInteger(f->match->pattern, "weight", 0, &haveattr) != XftResultMatch) || haveattr != wantattr) { f->badweight = 1; fputs("font weight does not match\n", stderr); } } XftTextExtentsUtf8(xw.dpy, f->match, (const FcChar8 *) ascii_printable, strlen(ascii_printable), &extents); f->set = NULL; f->pattern = configured; f->ascent = f->match->ascent; f->descent = f->match->descent; f->lbearing = 0; f->rbearing = f->match->max_advance_width; f->height = f->ascent + f->descent; f->width = DIVCEIL(extents.xOff, strlen(ascii_printable)); return 0; } void xloadfonts(char *fontstr, double fontsize) { FcPattern *pattern; double fontval; if (fontstr[0] == '-') pattern = XftXlfdParse(fontstr, False, False); else pattern = FcNameParse((FcChar8 *)fontstr); if (!pattern) die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); if (fontsize > 1) { FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE); FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SIZE); FcPatternAddDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, (double)fontsize); usedfontsize = fontsize; } else { if (FcPatternGetDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &fontval) == FcResultMatch) { usedfontsize = fontval; } else if (FcPatternGetDouble(pattern, FC_SIZE, 0, &fontval) == FcResultMatch) { usedfontsize = -1; } else { /* * Default font size is 12, if none given. This is to * have a known usedfontsize value. */ FcPatternAddDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 12); usedfontsize = 12; } defaultfontsize = usedfontsize; } if (xloadfont(&dc.font, pattern)) die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); if (usedfontsize < 0) { FcPatternGetDouble(dc.font.match->pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &fontval); usedfontsize = fontval; if (fontsize == 0) defaultfontsize = fontval; } /* Setting character width and height. */ win.cw = ceilf(dc.font.width * cwscale); win.ch = ceilf(dc.font.height * chscale); FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SLANT); #if !DISABLE_ITALIC_FONTS_PATCH FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ITALIC); #endif // DISABLE_ITALIC_FONTS_PATCH if (xloadfont(&dc.ifont, pattern)) die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_WEIGHT); #if !DISABLE_BOLD_FONTS_PATCH FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD); #endif // DISABLE_BOLD_FONTS_PATCH if (xloadfont(&dc.ibfont, pattern)) die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SLANT); #if !DISABLE_ROMAN_FONTS_PATCH FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ROMAN); #endif // DISABLE_ROMAN_FONTS_PATCH if (xloadfont(&dc.bfont, pattern)) die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); FcPatternDestroy(pattern); } void xunloadfont(Font *f) { XftFontClose(xw.dpy, f->match); FcPatternDestroy(f->pattern); if (f->set) FcFontSetDestroy(f->set); } void xunloadfonts(void) { /* Free the loaded fonts in the font cache. */ while (frclen > 0) XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[--frclen].font); xunloadfont(&dc.font); xunloadfont(&dc.bfont); xunloadfont(&dc.ifont); xunloadfont(&dc.ibfont); } void xinit(int cols, int rows) { XGCValues gcvalues; #if HIDECURSOR_PATCH Pixmap blankpm; #else Cursor cursor; #endif // HIDECURSOR_PATCH Window parent; pid_t thispid = getpid(); XColor xmousefg, xmousebg; #if ALPHA_PATCH XWindowAttributes attr; XVisualInfo vis; #endif // ALPHA_PATCH if (!(xw.dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) die("can't open display\n"); xw.scr = XDefaultScreen(xw.dpy); #if ALPHA_PATCH if (!(opt_embed && (parent = strtol(opt_embed, NULL, 0)))) { parent = XRootWindow(xw.dpy, xw.scr); xw.depth = 32; } else { XGetWindowAttributes(xw.dpy, parent, &attr); xw.depth = attr.depth; } XMatchVisualInfo(xw.dpy, xw.scr, xw.depth, TrueColor, &vis); xw.vis = vis.visual; #else xw.vis = XDefaultVisual(xw.dpy, xw.scr); #endif // ALPHA_PATCH /* font */ if (!FcInit()) die("could not init fontconfig.\n"); usedfont = (opt_font == NULL)? font : opt_font; xloadfonts(usedfont, 0); /* colors */ #if ALPHA_PATCH xw.cmap = XCreateColormap(xw.dpy, parent, xw.vis, None); #else xw.cmap = XDefaultColormap(xw.dpy, xw.scr); #endif // ALPHA_PATCH xloadcols(); /* adjust fixed window geometry */ #if ANYSIZE_PATCH win.w = 2 * win.hborderpx + cols * win.cw; win.h = 2 * win.vborderpx + rows * win.ch; #else win.w = 2 * borderpx + cols * win.cw; win.h = 2 * borderpx + rows * win.ch; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH if (xw.gm & XNegative) xw.l += DisplayWidth(xw.dpy, xw.scr) - win.w - 2; if (xw.gm & YNegative) xw.t += DisplayHeight(xw.dpy, xw.scr) - win.h - 2; /* Events */ xw.attrs.background_pixel = dc.col[defaultbg].pixel; xw.attrs.border_pixel = dc.col[defaultbg].pixel; xw.attrs.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; xw.attrs.event_mask = FocusChangeMask | KeyPressMask #if FIXIME_PATCH | KeyReleaseMask #endif // FIXIME_PATCH | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask; xw.attrs.colormap = xw.cmap; #if !ALPHA_PATCH if (!(opt_embed && (parent = strtol(opt_embed, NULL, 0)))) parent = XRootWindow(xw.dpy, xw.scr); #endif // ALPHA_PATCH xw.win = XCreateWindow(xw.dpy, parent, xw.l, xw.t, #if ALPHA_PATCH win.w, win.h, 0, xw.depth, InputOutput, #else win.w, win.h, 0, XDefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr), InputOutput, #endif // ALPHA_PATCH xw.vis, CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWBitGravity | CWEventMask | CWColormap, &xw.attrs); memset(&gcvalues, 0, sizeof(gcvalues)); gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False; #if ALPHA_PATCH xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h, xw.depth); dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, xw.buf, GCGraphicsExposures, &gcvalues); #else dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, parent, GCGraphicsExposures, &gcvalues); xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h, DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr)); #endif // ALPHA_PATCH XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, dc.col[defaultbg].pixel); XFillRectangle(xw.dpy, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h); /* font spec buffer */ xw.specbuf = xmalloc(cols * sizeof(GlyphFontSpec)); /* Xft rendering context */ xw.draw = XftDrawCreate(xw.dpy, xw.buf, xw.vis, xw.cmap); /* input methods */ #if FIXIME_PATCH ximopen(xw.dpy); #else if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=local"); if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { XSetLocaleModifiers("@im="); if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { die("XOpenIM failed. Could not open input" " device.\n"); } } } xw.xic = XCreateIC(xw.xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, xw.win, XNFocusWindow, xw.win, NULL); if (xw.xic == NULL) die("XCreateIC failed. Could not obtain input method.\n"); #endif // FIXIME_PATCH /* white cursor, black outline */ #if HIDECURSOR_PATCH xw.pointerisvisible = 1; xw.vpointer = XCreateFontCursor(xw.dpy, mouseshape); XDefineCursor(xw.dpy, xw.win, xw.vpointer); #else cursor = XCreateFontCursor(xw.dpy, mouseshape); XDefineCursor(xw.dpy, xw.win, cursor); #endif // HIDECURSOR_PATCH if (XParseColor(xw.dpy, xw.cmap, colorname[mousefg], &xmousefg) == 0) { xmousefg.red = 0xffff; xmousefg.green = 0xffff; xmousefg.blue = 0xffff; } if (XParseColor(xw.dpy, xw.cmap, colorname[mousebg], &xmousebg) == 0) { xmousebg.red = 0x0000; xmousebg.green = 0x0000; xmousebg.blue = 0x0000; } #if HIDECURSOR_PATCH XRecolorCursor(xw.dpy, xw.vpointer, &xmousefg, &xmousebg); blankpm = XCreateBitmapFromData(xw.dpy, xw.win, &(char){0}, 1, 1); xw.bpointer = XCreatePixmapCursor(xw.dpy, blankpm, blankpm, &xmousefg, &xmousebg, 0, 0); #else XRecolorCursor(xw.dpy, cursor, &xmousefg, &xmousebg); #endif // HIDECURSOR_PATCH xw.xembed = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_XEMBED", False); xw.wmdeletewin = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); xw.netwmname = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False); XSetWMProtocols(xw.dpy, xw.win, &xw.wmdeletewin, 1); xw.netwmpid = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_PID", False); XChangeProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, xw.netwmpid, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (uchar *)&thispid, 1); win.mode = MODE_NUMLOCK; resettitle(); XMapWindow(xw.dpy, xw.win); xhints(); XSync(xw.dpy, False); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &xsel.tclick1); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &xsel.tclick2); xsel.primary = NULL; xsel.clipboard = NULL; xsel.xtarget = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "UTF8_STRING", 0); if (xsel.xtarget == None) xsel.xtarget = XA_STRING; } int xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, const Glyph *glyphs, int len, int x, int y) { #if ANYSIZE_PATCH float winx = win.hborderpx + x * win.cw, winy = win.vborderpx + y * win.ch, xp, yp; #else float winx = borderpx + x * win.cw, winy = borderpx + y * win.ch, xp, yp; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH ushort mode, prevmode = USHRT_MAX; Font *font = &dc.font; int frcflags = FRC_NORMAL; float runewidth = win.cw; Rune rune; FT_UInt glyphidx; FcResult fcres; FcPattern *fcpattern, *fontpattern; FcFontSet *fcsets[] = { NULL }; FcCharSet *fccharset; int i, f, numspecs = 0; for (i = 0, xp = winx, yp = winy + font->ascent; i < len; ++i) { /* Fetch rune and mode for current glyph. */ rune = glyphs[i].u; mode = glyphs[i].mode; /* Skip dummy wide-character spacing. */ if (mode == ATTR_WDUMMY) continue; /* Determine font for glyph if different from previous glyph. */ if (prevmode != mode) { prevmode = mode; font = &dc.font; frcflags = FRC_NORMAL; runewidth = win.cw * ((mode & ATTR_WIDE) ? 2.0f : 1.0f); if ((mode & ATTR_ITALIC) && (mode & ATTR_BOLD)) { font = &dc.ibfont; frcflags = FRC_ITALICBOLD; } else if (mode & ATTR_ITALIC) { font = &dc.ifont; frcflags = FRC_ITALIC; } else if (mode & ATTR_BOLD) { font = &dc.bfont; frcflags = FRC_BOLD; } yp = winy + font->ascent; } /* Lookup character index with default font. */ glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, font->match, rune); if (glyphidx) { specs[numspecs].font = font->match; specs[numspecs].glyph = glyphidx; specs[numspecs].x = (short)xp; specs[numspecs].y = (short)yp; xp += runewidth; numspecs++; continue; } /* Fallback on font cache, search the font cache for match. */ for (f = 0; f < frclen; f++) { glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, frc[f].font, rune); /* Everything correct. */ if (glyphidx && frc[f].flags == frcflags) break; /* We got a default font for a not found glyph. */ if (!glyphidx && frc[f].flags == frcflags && frc[f].unicodep == rune) { break; } } /* Nothing was found. Use fontconfig to find matching font. */ if (f >= frclen) { if (!font->set) font->set = FcFontSort(0, font->pattern, 1, 0, &fcres); fcsets[0] = font->set; /* * Nothing was found in the cache. Now use * some dozen of Fontconfig calls to get the * font for one single character. * * Xft and fontconfig are design failures. */ fcpattern = FcPatternDuplicate(font->pattern); fccharset = FcCharSetCreate(); FcCharSetAddChar(fccharset, rune); FcPatternAddCharSet(fcpattern, FC_CHARSET, fccharset); FcPatternAddBool(fcpattern, FC_SCALABLE, 1); FcConfigSubstitute(0, fcpattern, FcMatchPattern); FcDefaultSubstitute(fcpattern); fontpattern = FcFontSetMatch(0, fcsets, 1, fcpattern, &fcres); /* * Overwrite or create the new cache entry. */ if (frclen >= LEN(frc)) { frclen = LEN(frc) - 1; XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[frclen].font); frc[frclen].unicodep = 0; } frc[frclen].font = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy, fontpattern); if (!frc[frclen].font) die("XftFontOpenPattern failed seeking fallback font: %s\n", strerror(errno)); frc[frclen].flags = frcflags; frc[frclen].unicodep = rune; glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, frc[frclen].font, rune); f = frclen; frclen++; FcPatternDestroy(fcpattern); FcCharSetDestroy(fccharset); } specs[numspecs].font = frc[f].font; specs[numspecs].glyph = glyphidx; specs[numspecs].x = (short)xp; specs[numspecs].y = (short)yp; xp += runewidth; numspecs++; } return numspecs; } void xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, Glyph base, int len, int x, int y) { int charlen = len * ((base.mode & ATTR_WIDE) ? 2 : 1); #if ANYSIZE_PATCH int winx = win.hborderpx + x * win.cw, winy = win.vborderpx + y * win.ch; #else int winx = borderpx + x * win.cw, winy = borderpx + y * win.ch; #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH int width = charlen * win.cw; Color *fg, *bg, *temp, revfg, revbg, truefg, truebg; XRenderColor colfg, colbg; XRectangle r; /* Fallback on color display for attributes not supported by the font */ if (base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC && base.mode & ATTR_BOLD) { if (dc.ibfont.badslant || dc.ibfont.badweight) base.fg = defaultattr; } else if ((base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC && dc.ifont.badslant) || (base.mode & ATTR_BOLD && dc.bfont.badweight)) { base.fg = defaultattr; } if (IS_TRUECOL(base.fg)) { colfg.alpha = 0xffff; colfg.red = TRUERED(base.fg); colfg.green = TRUEGREEN(base.fg); colfg.blue = TRUEBLUE(base.fg); XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &truefg); fg = &truefg; } else { fg = &dc.col[base.fg]; } if (IS_TRUECOL(base.bg)) { colbg.alpha = 0xffff; colbg.green = TRUEGREEN(base.bg); colbg.red = TRUERED(base.bg); colbg.blue = TRUEBLUE(base.bg); XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg, &truebg); bg = &truebg; } else { bg = &dc.col[base.bg]; } #if !BOLD_IS_NOT_BRIGHT_PATCH /* Change basic system colors [0-7] to bright system colors [8-15] */ if ((base.mode & ATTR_BOLD_FAINT) == ATTR_BOLD && BETWEEN(base.fg, 0, 7)) fg = &dc.col[base.fg + 8]; #endif // BOLD_IS_NOT_BRIGHT_PATCH if (IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)) { if (fg == &dc.col[defaultfg]) { fg = &dc.col[defaultbg]; } else { colfg.red = ~fg->color.red; colfg.green = ~fg->color.green; colfg.blue = ~fg->color.blue; colfg.alpha = fg->color.alpha; XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &revfg); fg = &revfg; } if (bg == &dc.col[defaultbg]) { bg = &dc.col[defaultfg]; } else { colbg.red = ~bg->color.red; colbg.green = ~bg->color.green; colbg.blue = ~bg->color.blue; colbg.alpha = bg->color.alpha; XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg, &revbg); bg = &revbg; } } if ((base.mode & ATTR_BOLD_FAINT) == ATTR_FAINT) { colfg.red = fg->color.red / 2; colfg.green = fg->color.green / 2; colfg.blue = fg->color.blue / 2; colfg.alpha = fg->color.alpha; XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &revfg); fg = &revfg; } if (base.mode & ATTR_REVERSE) { temp = fg; fg = bg; bg = temp; } if (base.mode & ATTR_BLINK && win.mode & MODE_BLINK) fg = bg; if (base.mode & ATTR_INVISIBLE) fg = bg; /* Intelligent cleaning up of the borders. */ #if ANYSIZE_PATCH if (x == 0) { xclear(0, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, win.vborderpx, winy + win.ch + ((winy + win.ch >= win.vborderpx + win.th)? win.h : 0)); } if (winx + width >= win.hborderpx + win.tw) { xclear(winx + width, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, win.w, ((winy + win.ch >= win.vborderpx + win.th)? win.h : (winy + win.ch))); } if (y == 0) xclear(winx, 0, winx + width, win.hborderpx); if (winy + win.ch >= win.vborderpx + win.th) xclear(winx, winy + win.ch, winx + width, win.h); #else if (x == 0) { xclear(0, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, borderpx, winy + win.ch + ((winy + win.ch >= borderpx + win.th)? win.h : 0)); } if (winx + width >= borderpx + win.tw) { xclear(winx + width, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, win.w, ((winy + win.ch >= borderpx + win.th)? win.h : (winy + win.ch))); } if (y == 0) xclear(winx, 0, winx + width, borderpx); if (winy + win.ch >= borderpx + win.th) xclear(winx, winy + win.ch, winx + width, win.h); #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH /* Clean up the region we want to draw to. */ XftDrawRect(xw.draw, bg, winx, winy, width, win.ch); /* Set the clip region because Xft is sometimes dirty. */ r.x = 0; r.y = 0; r.height = win.ch; r.width = width; XftDrawSetClipRectangles(xw.draw, winx, winy, &r, 1); /* Render the glyphs. */ XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(xw.draw, fg, specs, len); /* Render underline and strikethrough. */ if (base.mode & ATTR_UNDERLINE) { XftDrawRect(xw.draw, fg, winx, winy + dc.font.ascent + 1, width, 1); } if (base.mode & ATTR_STRUCK) { XftDrawRect(xw.draw, fg, winx, winy + 2 * dc.font.ascent / 3, width, 1); } /* Reset clip to none. */ XftDrawSetClip(xw.draw, 0); } void xdrawglyph(Glyph g, int x, int y) { int numspecs; XftGlyphFontSpec spec; numspecs = xmakeglyphfontspecs(&spec, &g, 1, x, y); xdrawglyphfontspecs(&spec, g, numspecs, x, y); } void xdrawcursor(int cx, int cy, Glyph g, int ox, int oy, Glyph og) { Color drawcol; /* remove the old cursor */ if (selected(ox, oy)) og.mode ^= ATTR_REVERSE; xdrawglyph(og, ox, oy); if (IS_SET(MODE_HIDE)) return; /* * Select the right color for the right mode. */ g.mode &= ATTR_BOLD|ATTR_ITALIC|ATTR_UNDERLINE|ATTR_STRUCK|ATTR_WIDE; if (IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)) { g.mode |= ATTR_REVERSE; g.bg = defaultfg; if (selected(cx, cy)) { drawcol = dc.col[defaultcs]; g.fg = defaultrcs; } else { drawcol = dc.col[defaultrcs]; g.fg = defaultcs; } } else { if (selected(cx, cy)) { g.fg = defaultfg; g.bg = defaultrcs; } else { g.fg = defaultbg; g.bg = defaultcs; } drawcol = dc.col[g.bg]; } /* draw the new one */ if (IS_SET(MODE_FOCUSED)) { switch (win.cursor) { case 7: /* st extension: snowman (U+2603) */ g.u = 0x2603; case 0: /* Blinking Block */ case 1: /* Blinking Block (Default) */ case 2: /* Steady Block */ xdrawglyph(g, cx, cy); break; case 3: /* Blinking Underline */ case 4: /* Steady Underline */ #if ANYSIZE_PATCH XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw, win.vborderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - \ cursorthickness, win.cw, cursorthickness); #else XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, borderpx + cx * win.cw, borderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - \ cursorthickness, win.cw, cursorthickness); #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH break; case 5: /* Blinking bar */ case 6: /* Steady bar */ XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, #if ANYSIZE_PATCH win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw, win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch, #else borderpx + cx * win.cw, borderpx + cy * win.ch, #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH cursorthickness, win.ch); break; } } else { XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, #if ANYSIZE_PATCH win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw, win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch, #else borderpx + cx * win.cw, borderpx + cy * win.ch, #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH win.cw - 1, 1); XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, #if ANYSIZE_PATCH win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw, win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch, #else borderpx + cx * win.cw, borderpx + cy * win.ch, #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH 1, win.ch - 1); XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, #if ANYSIZE_PATCH win.hborderpx + (cx + 1) * win.cw - 1, win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch, #else borderpx + (cx + 1) * win.cw - 1, borderpx + cy * win.ch, #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH 1, win.ch - 1); XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, #if ANYSIZE_PATCH win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw, win.vborderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - 1, #else borderpx + cx * win.cw, borderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - 1, #endif // ANYSIZE_PATCH win.cw, 1); } } void xsetenv(void) { char buf[sizeof(long) * 8 + 1]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", xw.win); setenv("WINDOWID", buf, 1); } void xsettitle(char *p) { XTextProperty prop; DEFAULT(p, opt_title); Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xw.dpy, &p, 1, XUTF8StringStyle, &prop); XSetWMName(xw.dpy, xw.win, &prop); XSetTextProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, &prop, xw.netwmname); XFree(prop.value); } int xstartdraw(void) { return IS_SET(MODE_VISIBLE); } void xdrawline(Line line, int x1, int y1, int x2) { int i, x, ox, numspecs; Glyph base, new; XftGlyphFontSpec *specs = xw.specbuf; numspecs = xmakeglyphfontspecs(specs, &line[x1], x2 - x1, x1, y1); i = ox = 0; for (x = x1; x < x2 && i < numspecs; x++) { new = line[x]; if (new.mode == ATTR_WDUMMY) continue; if (selected(x, y1)) new.mode ^= ATTR_REVERSE; if (i > 0 && ATTRCMP(base, new)) { xdrawglyphfontspecs(specs, base, i, ox, y1); specs += i; numspecs -= i; i = 0; } if (i == 0) { ox = x; base = new; } i++; } if (i > 0) xdrawglyphfontspecs(specs, base, i, ox, y1); } void xfinishdraw(void) { XCopyArea(xw.dpy, xw.buf, xw.win, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h, 0, 0); XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, dc.col[IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)? defaultfg : defaultbg].pixel); } void expose(XEvent *ev) { redraw(); } void visibility(XEvent *ev) { XVisibilityEvent *e = &ev->xvisibility; MODBIT(win.mode, e->state != VisibilityFullyObscured, MODE_VISIBLE); } void unmap(XEvent *ev) { win.mode &= ~MODE_VISIBLE; } void xsetpointermotion(int set) { #if HIDECURSOR_PATCH if (!set && !xw.pointerisvisible) return; #endif // HIDECURSOR_PATCH MODBIT(xw.attrs.event_mask, set, PointerMotionMask); XChangeWindowAttributes(xw.dpy, xw.win, CWEventMask, &xw.attrs); } void xsetmode(int set, unsigned int flags) { int mode = win.mode; MODBIT(win.mode, set, flags); if ((win.mode & MODE_REVERSE) != (mode & MODE_REVERSE)) redraw(); } int xsetcursor(int cursor) { DEFAULT(cursor, 1); if (!BETWEEN(cursor, 0, 6)) return 1; win.cursor = cursor; return 0; } void xseturgency(int add) { XWMHints *h = XGetWMHints(xw.dpy, xw.win); MODBIT(h->flags, add, XUrgencyHint); XSetWMHints(xw.dpy, xw.win, h); XFree(h); } void xbell(void) { if (!(IS_SET(MODE_FOCUSED))) xseturgency(1); if (bellvolume) XkbBell(xw.dpy, xw.win, bellvolume, (Atom)NULL); } void focus(XEvent *ev) { XFocusChangeEvent *e = &ev->xfocus; if (e->mode == NotifyGrab) return; if (ev->type == FocusIn) { XSetICFocus(xw.xic); win.mode |= MODE_FOCUSED; xseturgency(0); if (IS_SET(MODE_FOCUS)) ttywrite("\033[I", 3, 0); } else { XUnsetICFocus(xw.xic); win.mode &= ~MODE_FOCUSED; if (IS_SET(MODE_FOCUS)) ttywrite("\033[O", 3, 0); } } int match(uint mask, uint state) { return mask == XK_ANY_MOD || mask == (state & ~ignoremod); } char* kmap(KeySym k, uint state) { Key *kp; int i; /* Check for mapped keys out of X11 function keys. */ for (i = 0; i < LEN(mappedkeys); i++) { if (mappedkeys[i] == k) break; } if (i == LEN(mappedkeys)) { if ((k & 0xFFFF) < 0xFD00) return NULL; } for (kp = key; kp < key + LEN(key); kp++) { if (kp->k != k) continue; if (!match(kp->mask, state)) continue; if (IS_SET(MODE_APPKEYPAD) ? kp->appkey < 0 : kp->appkey > 0) continue; if (IS_SET(MODE_NUMLOCK) && kp->appkey == 2) continue; if (IS_SET(MODE_APPCURSOR) ? kp->appcursor < 0 : kp->appcursor > 0) continue; return kp->s; } return NULL; } void kpress(XEvent *ev) { XKeyEvent *e = &ev->xkey; KeySym ksym; char buf[32], *customkey; int len; Rune c; Status status; Shortcut *bp; #if HIDECURSOR_PATCH if (xw.pointerisvisible) { XDefineCursor(xw.dpy, xw.win, xw.bpointer); xsetpointermotion(1); xw.pointerisvisible = 0; } #endif // HIDECURSOR_PATCH if (IS_SET(MODE_KBDLOCK)) return; len = XmbLookupString(xw.xic, e, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, &status); /* 1. shortcuts */ for (bp = shortcuts; bp < shortcuts + LEN(shortcuts); bp++) { if (ksym == bp->keysym && match(bp->mod, e->state)) { bp->func(&(bp->arg)); return; } } /* 2. custom keys from config.h */ if ((customkey = kmap(ksym, e->state))) { ttywrite(customkey, strlen(customkey), 1); return; } /* 3. composed string from input method */ if (len == 0) return; if (len == 1 && e->state & Mod1Mask) { if (IS_SET(MODE_8BIT)) { if (*buf < 0177) { c = *buf | 0x80; len = utf8encode(c, buf); } } else { buf[1] = buf[0]; buf[0] = '\033'; len = 2; } } ttywrite(buf, len, 1); } void cmessage(XEvent *e) { /* * See xembed specs * http://standards.freedesktop.org/xembed-spec/xembed-spec-latest.html */ if (e->xclient.message_type == xw.xembed && e->xclient.format == 32) { if (e->xclient.data.l[1] == XEMBED_FOCUS_IN) { win.mode |= MODE_FOCUSED; xseturgency(0); } else if (e->xclient.data.l[1] == XEMBED_FOCUS_OUT) { win.mode &= ~MODE_FOCUSED; } } else if (e->xclient.data.l[0] == xw.wmdeletewin) { ttyhangup(); exit(0); } } void resize(XEvent *e) { if (e->xconfigure.width == win.w && e->xconfigure.height == win.h) return; cresize(e->xconfigure.width, e->xconfigure.height); } void run(void) { XEvent ev; int w = win.w, h = win.h; fd_set rfd; int xfd = XConnectionNumber(xw.dpy), xev, blinkset = 0, dodraw = 0; int ttyfd; struct timespec drawtimeout, *tv = NULL, now, last, lastblink; long deltatime; /* Waiting for window mapping */ do { XNextEvent(xw.dpy, &ev); /* * This XFilterEvent call is required because of XOpenIM. It * does filter out the key event and some client message for * the input method too. */ if (XFilterEvent(&ev, None)) continue; if (ev.type == ConfigureNotify) { w = ev.xconfigure.width; h = ev.xconfigure.height; } } while (ev.type != MapNotify); ttyfd = ttynew(opt_line, shell, opt_io, opt_cmd); cresize(w, h); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &last); lastblink = last; for (xev = actionfps;;) { FD_ZERO(&rfd); FD_SET(ttyfd, &rfd); FD_SET(xfd, &rfd); if (pselect(MAX(xfd, ttyfd)+1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, tv, NULL) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; die("select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (FD_ISSET(ttyfd, &rfd)) { ttyread(); if (blinktimeout) { blinkset = tattrset(ATTR_BLINK); if (!blinkset) MODBIT(win.mode, 0, MODE_BLINK); } } if (FD_ISSET(xfd, &rfd)) xev = actionfps; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); drawtimeout.tv_sec = 0; drawtimeout.tv_nsec = (1000 * 1E6)/ xfps; tv = &drawtimeout; dodraw = 0; if (blinktimeout && TIMEDIFF(now, lastblink) > blinktimeout) { tsetdirtattr(ATTR_BLINK); win.mode ^= MODE_BLINK; lastblink = now; dodraw = 1; } deltatime = TIMEDIFF(now, last); if (deltatime > 1000 / (xev ? xfps : actionfps)) { dodraw = 1; last = now; } if (dodraw) { while (XPending(xw.dpy)) { XNextEvent(xw.dpy, &ev); if (XFilterEvent(&ev, None)) continue; if (handler[ev.type]) (handler[ev.type])(&ev); } draw(); XFlush(xw.dpy); if (xev && !FD_ISSET(xfd, &rfd)) xev--; if (!FD_ISSET(ttyfd, &rfd) && !FD_ISSET(xfd, &rfd)) { if (blinkset) { if (TIMEDIFF(now, lastblink) \ > blinktimeout) { drawtimeout.tv_nsec = 1000; } else { drawtimeout.tv_nsec = (1E6 * \ (blinktimeout - \ TIMEDIFF(now, lastblink))); } drawtimeout.tv_sec = \ drawtimeout.tv_nsec / 1E9; drawtimeout.tv_nsec %= (long)1E9; } else { tv = NULL; } } } } } void usage(void) { die("usage: %s [-aiv] [-c class] [-f font] [-g geometry]" " [-n name] [-o file]\n" " [-T title] [-t title] [-w windowid]" " [[-e] command [args ...]]\n" " %s [-aiv] [-c class] [-f font] [-g geometry]" " [-n name] [-o file]\n" " [-T title] [-t title] [-w windowid] -l line" " [stty_args ...]\n", argv0, argv0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { xw.l = xw.t = 0; xw.isfixed = False; win.cursor = cursorshape; ARGBEGIN { case 'a': allowaltscreen = 0; break; #if ALPHA_PATCH case 'A': opt_alpha = EARGF(usage()); break; #endif // ALPHA_PATCH case 'c': opt_class = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'e': if (argc > 0) --argc, ++argv; goto run; case 'f': opt_font = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'g': xw.gm = XParseGeometry(EARGF(usage()), &xw.l, &xw.t, &cols, &rows); break; case 'i': xw.isfixed = 1; break; case 'o': opt_io = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'l': opt_line = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'n': opt_name = EARGF(usage()); break; case 't': case 'T': opt_title = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'w': opt_embed = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'v': die("%s " VERSION "\n", argv0); break; default: usage(); } ARGEND; run: if (argc > 0) /* eat all remaining arguments */ opt_cmd = argv; if (!opt_title) opt_title = (opt_line || !opt_cmd) ? "st" : opt_cmd[0]; setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); XSetLocaleModifiers(""); #if XRESOURCES_PATCH if (!(xw.dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) die("Can't open display\n"); config_init(); #endif // XRESOURCES_PATCH cols = MAX(cols, 1); rows = MAX(rows, 1); tnew(cols, rows); xinit(cols, rows); xsetenv(); selinit(); run(); return 0; }