# erm
a fork of Darktile
original readme below
# Darktile
Darktile is a GPU rendered terminal emulator designed for tiling window managers.

## Features
- GPU rendering
- Unicode support
- Variety of themes available (or build your own!)
- Compiled-in powerline font
- Works with your favourite monospaced TTF/OTF fonts
- Font ligatures (turn it off if you're not a ligature fan)
- Hints: Context-aware overlays e.g. hex colour viewer, octal permission annotation
- Take screenshots with a single key-binding
- Sixels
- Window transparency (0-100%)
- Customisable cursor (most popular image formats supported)
## Installation
Install dependencies:
- `xorg-dev`
- `libgl1-mesa-dev`
Grab a binary from the [latest release](https://github.com/liamg/darktile/releases/latest), `chmod +x` it and place it in your `$PATH`.
If you're too lazy to do the above and you like to live life on the edge, you can pipe this script to sudo:
curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liamg/darktile/main/scripts/install.sh" | sudo bash
## Configuration
Configuration files should be created in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/darktile/` if the variable is defined, otherwise in `$HOME/.config/darktile/`.
If you wish, you can create an example config file as a starting point using `darktile --rewrite-config`.
Darktile will use sensible defaults if no config/theme files are available. The same applies when you omit settings from config/theme files, meaning it is perfectly valid to start with empty config/theme files and add to them as required to override the default behaviour.
### Config File
Found in the config directory (see above) inside `config.yaml`.
opacity: 1.0 # Window opacity: 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque
family: "" # Font family. Find possible values for this by running 'darktile list-fonts'
size: 16 # Font size
dpi: 72 # DPI
ligatures: true # Enable font ligatures e.g. render '≡' instead of '==='
image: "" # Path to an image to render as your cursor (defaults to standard rectangular cursor)
### Example Theme
Found in the config directory (see above) inside `theme.yaml`. You can replace this file with a symlink or any theme file from [darktile-themes](https://github.com/liamg/darktile-themes).
black: '#1d1f21'
red: '#cc6666'
green: '#b5bd68'
yellow: '#f0c674'
blue: '#81a2be'
magenta: '#b294bb'
cyan: '#8abeb7'
white: '#c5c8c6'
brightblack: '#666666'
brightred: '#d54e53'
brightgreen: '#b9ca4a'
brightyellow: '#e7c547'
brightblue: '#7aa6da'
brightmagenta: '#c397d8'
brightcyan: '#70c0b1'
brightwhite: '#eaeaea'
background: '#1d1f21'
foreground: '#c5c8c6'
selectionbackground: '#aa8800'
selectionforeground: '#ffffff'
cursorforeground: '#1d1f21'
cursorbackground: '#c5c8c6'
## Key Bindings
| Action | Binding |
| Copy | `ctrl + shift + C`
| Paste | `ctrl + shift + V`
| Decrease font size | `ctrl + -`
| Increase font size | `ctrl + =`
| Take screenshot | `ctrl + shift + [`
| Open URL | `ctrl + click`