#compdef tspc _tspc_selector() { [[ ${@[(r)--]} = '--' ]] && shift ${@[(i)--]} local -a completions=() completions_display=() local index=0 name id sel_type="$1" shift 1 case $sel_type in (node) compset -P '*[#.:/@]' ;; (desktop) compset -P '*[#.:]' ;; (monitor) compset -P '*[#.]' ;; (*) return 1 ;; esac case "$sel_type $IPREFIX" in (desktop*:) local ipfx=${${IPREFIX##*@}%:} while do if completions=("${(@f)$(tspc query --names -D -m ${ipfx} 2> /dev/null)}") ;then until ((++index > $#completions)) do completions[index]="^${index}:${completions[index]}" done completions+='focused' _describe "${sel_type} selector" completions $@ -S '' -J ${sel_type} break else completions=() [ -n "$ipfx[(r)#]" ] && ipfx="${ipfx#*#}" || break fi done ;| (node*[^@/:.]) tspc query -N -n .window 2> /dev/null | while read id ;do id=${id//:/\\:} if which xdotool &> /dev/null ;then name=$(xdotool getwindowname $id 2> /dev/null) elif which xprop &> /dev/null ;then name=$(xprop -id $id -notype WM_NAME 2> /dev/null) && [[ "$name" = 'WM_NAME ='* ]] && name="${${name#*\"}%\"*}" || name="" else name="install xdotool or xprop to see window titles here" fi completions+="$id:$name" done ;| ((desktop|monitor)*[^:.]) local max_name_len=0 max_index_len i local -a snames names ids tspc query -${(U)sel_type[1]} 2> /dev/null | while read id ;do ((index++)) name=$(tspc query --names -${(U)sel_type[1]} -${sel_type[1]} $id 2> /dev/null) [[ "$name" == *[:.!]* ]] && sel_name="%${name//:/\\:}" || sel_name="$name" ((max_name_len = $#sel_name > max_name_len ? $#sel_name : max_name_len)) ids+="${id}" snames+="${sel_name}" names+="${name}" done max_index_len=$(($#index + 1)) ((max_name_len >= max_name_len)) && ((max_name_len=max_name_len + 1)) for ((i = 1 ; i <= $#ids ; i++)) ;do (($#ids[i] <= max_name_len)) && completions_display+="${(r($max_name_len+1))ids[i]}:${names[i]}" || completions_display+="${ids[i]}:${names[i]}" completions+="${ids[i]}:${names[i]}" done for ((i = 1 ; i <= $#ids ; i++)) ;do completions+="${snames[i]}:${names[i]}" completions_display+="${(r($max_name_len))snames[i]}:${names[i]}" done for ((i = 1 ; i <= $#ids ; i++)) ;do completions+="^${i}:${names[i]}" completions_display+="^${i}:${names[i]}" done ;| (node*('@'(*':'|*'/'|))) _describe 'node path' jump -S '/' -r "#. ${quote}" -J nodes ;| (node*'/') ;; (*'.') _tspc_prefix '!' "${sel_type} modifiers" ${sel_type}_mod $@ -J ${sel_type}_mod ;| ((desktop|monitor)*@) ;& (*[^:.@/]) if (( $#completions_display)) ;then _describe "${sel_type} selector" ${sel_type}_desc $@ -S '.' -r ". \n:#${quote}\-" -J ${sel_type} \ -- completions_display completions $@ -S '.' -r ". \n:#${quote}\-" -J ${sel_type} else _describe "${sel_type} selector" ${sel_type}_desc $@ -S '.' -r ". \n:#${quote}\-" -J ${sel_type} \ -- completions $@ -S '.' -r ". \n:#${quote}\-" -J ${sel_type} fi ;| (node*@*'#'*) ;; (node*@*) _tspc_selector desktop -S ':' -qr ".#\-\n ${quote}" ;; (desktop*) _tspc_selector monitor -S ':' -r ".#\-\n ${quote}" ;; esac } _tspc_prefix(){ [[ ${@[(r)--]} = '--' ]] && shift ${@[(i)--]} [[ "$PREFIX[1]" == "$1" ]] && local a="-n" b || local b="-n" a _describe $@[2,-1] $a -- $@[3,-1] $b -p "$1" } _tspc_query_names() { [[ ${@[(r)--]} = '--' ]] && shift ${@[(i)--]} local -a items=("${(@f)$(tspc query $2 --names 2> /dev/null)}") || return local c for c in '\' ':' '[' '(' '*' items=("${(@)items//$c/\\$c}") _values -w "$1" "${items[@]}" } _tspc() { local -a commands=(node desktop monitor query rule wm subscribe config quit) \ resize_handle=(top bottom top_left top_right bottom_left bottom_right left right) \ node_state=(tiled pseudo_tiled floating fullscreen) \ flag=(hidden sticky private locked marked urgent) \ layer=(below normal above) \ dir=(north west south east) \ cycle_dir=(next prev) local -a jump=($dir first second brother parent 1 2) \ node_desc=($dir $cycle_dir any last newest older newer focused pointed biggest smallest) \ node_mod=($node_state $flag $layer focused automatic local \ active leaf window same_class descendant_of ancestor_of) \ desktop_desc=($cycle_dir any last newest older newer focused) \ desktop_mod=(focused occupied local urgent) \ monitor_desc=($dir $cycle_dir any last newest older newer focused pointed primary) \ monitor_mod=(focused occupied) \ presel_dir=($dir cancel) local quote="${compstate[quote]}" context state state_descr line typeset -A opt_args compset -n 2 compset -S "${quote}" if ((CURRENT==1)) ;then _describe 'command or domain' commands return fi case $words[1] in (node) ((CURRENT==2)) && _tspc_selector node ((CURRENT>2)) && [[ "$words[2]" != '-'* ]] && compset -n 2 ((CURRENT>2)) && [[ "$words[CURRENT-2]" =~ "^-(m|d|n|s|-to-(monitor|desktop|node)|-swap)$" ]] && _values 'option' '--follow[If passed, the focused node will stay focused]' _arguments -C \ '*'{-a,--activate}'[Activate the selected or given node]::node selector:_tspc_selector -- node'\ '*'{-B,--balance}'[Adjust the split ratios of the tree rooted at the selected node so that all windows occupy the same area]'\ '*'{-C,--circulate}'[Circulate the windows of the tree rooted at the selected node]:direction:(forward backward)'\ '*'{-c,--close}'[Close the windows rooted at the selected node]'\ '*'{-d,--to-desktop}'[Send the selected node to the given desktop]:desktop selector:_tspc_selector -- desktop'\ '*'{-E,--equalize}'[Reset the split ratios of the tree rooted at the selected node to their default value]'\ '*'{-F,--flip}'[Flip the the tree rooted at selected node]: :(horizontal vertical)'\ '*'{-f,--focus}'[Focus the selected or given node]::node selector:_tspc_selector -- node'\ '*'{-g,--flag}'[Set or toggle the given flag for the selected node]: :-> flag'\ '*'{-i,--insert-receptacle}'[Insert a receptacle node at the selected node]'\ '*'{-k,--kill}'[Kill the windows rooted at the selected node]'\ '*'{-l,--layer}"[Set the stacking layer of the selected window]:stacking layer:($layer)"\ '*'{-m,--to-monitor}'[Send the selected node to the given monitor]:monitor selector:_tspc_selector -- monitor'\ '*'{-n,--to-node}'[Transplant the selected node to the given node]:node selector:_tspc_selector -- node'\ '*'{-o,--presel-ratio}'[Set the splitting ratio of the preselection area]:preselect ratio: ( )'\ '*'{-p,--presel-dir}'[Preselect the splitting area of the selected node or cancel the preselection]: :_tspc_prefix -- "~" preselect presel_dir'\ '*'{-y,--type}'[Set the splitting type of the selected node]: :(horizontal vertical)'\ '*'{-r,--ratio}'[Set the splitting ratio of the selected node (0 < ratio < 1)]: :( )'\ '*'{-R,--rotate}'[Rotate the tree rooted at the selected node]:angle:(90 270 180)'\ '*'{-s,--swap}'[Swap the selected node with the given node]:node selector:_tspc_selector -- node'\ '*'{-t,--state}'[Set the state of the selected window]: :_tspc_prefix -- "~" "node state" node_state '\ '*'{-v,--move}'[Move the selected window by dx pixels horizontally and dy pixels vertically]:dx:( ):dy:( )'\ '*'{-z,--resize}"[Resize the selected window by moving the given handle by dx pixels horizontally and dy pixels vertically]:handle:($resize_handle):dx:( ):dy:( )" [ "$state" = flag ] && _values 'flag' "${flag[@]:#urgent}::set flag:(on off)" ;; (desktop) ((CURRENT==2)) && _tspc_selector desktop ((CURRENT>2)) && [[ "$words[2]" != '-'* ]] && compset -n 2 ((CURRENT>2)) && [[ "$words[CURRENT-2]" =~ "^-m|-s|--monitor|--swap$" ]] && _values 'option' '--follow[If passed, the focused desktop will stay focused]' _arguments \ '*'{-a,--activate}'[Activate the selected or given desktop]:: :_tspc_selector -- desktop'\ '*'{-b,--bubble}"[Bubble the selected desktop in the given direction]:direction:($cycle_dir)"\ '*'{-f,--focus}'[Focus the selected or given desktop]:: :_tspc_selector -- desktop'\ '*'{-l,--layout}"[Set or cycle the layout of the selected desktop]:desktop layout:($cycle_dir monocle tiled)"\ '*'{-m,--to-monitor}'[Send the selected desktop to the given monitor]: :_tspc_selector -- monitor'\ '*'{-n,--rename}'[Rename the selected desktop]:desktop name:( )'\ '*'{-r,--remove}'[Remove the selected desktop]'\ '*'{-s,--swap}'[Swap the selected desktop with the given desktop]: :_tspc_selector -- desktop' ;; (monitor) ((CURRENT==2)) && _tspc_selector monitor ((CURRENT>2)) && [[ "$words[2]" != '-'* ]] && compset -n 2 _arguments \ '*'{-a,--add-desktops}'[Create desktops with the given names in the selected monitor]:*:add desktops:( )'\ '*'{-d,--reset-desktops}'[Rename, add or remove desktops]:*: :->desktops'\ '*'{-f,--focus}'[Focus the selected or given monitor]:: :_tspc_selector -- monitor'\ '*'{-g,--rectangle}'[Set the rectangle of the selected monitor]:WxH+X+Y:( )'\ '*'{-n,--rename}'[Rename the selected monitor]: :( )'\ '*'{-o,--reorder-desktops}'[Reorder the desktops of the selected monitor]:*:reorder desktops:_tspc_query_names -- desktops -D'\ '*'{-r,--remove}'[Remove the selected monitor]'\ '*'{-s,--swap}'[Swap the selected monitor with the given monitor]: :_tspc_selector -- monitor' ;; (query) local -a cmds_no_names=('-T' '--tree' '-N' '--nodes') local -a cmds=($cmds_no_names '-D' '--desktops' '-M' '--monitors') _arguments \ '*'{-d,--desktop}'[Constrain matches to the selected desktop]: :_tspc_selector -- desktop'\ '*'{-m,--monitor}'[Constrain matches to the selected monitor]: :_tspc_selector -- monitor'\ '*'{-n,--node}'[Constrain matches to the selected node]: :_tspc_selector -- node'\ "($cmds_no_names --names)--names[Print names instead of IDs. Can only be used with -M and -D]"\ "($cmds --names)"{-N,--nodes}'[List the IDs of the matching nodes]'\ "($cmds --names)"{-T,--tree}'[Print a JSON representation of the matching item]'\ "($cmds)"{-D,--desktops}'[List the IDs (or names) of the matching desktops]'\ "($cmds)"{-M,--monitors}'[List the IDs (or names) of the matching monitors]' ;; (wm) _arguments \ '*'{-d,--dump-state}'[Dump the current world state on standard output]'\ '*'{-l,--load-state}'[Load a world state from the given file]:load state from file:_files'\ '*'{-a,--add-monitor}'[Add a monitor for the given name and rectangle]:add monitor:( )'\ '*'{-O,--reorder-monitors}'[Reorder the list of monitors to match the given order]:*: :_tspc_query_names -- monitors -M'\ '*'{-o,--adopt-orphans}'[Manage all the unmanaged windows remaining from a previous session]'\ '*'{-h,--record-history}'[Enable or disable the recording of node focus history]:history:(on off)'\ '*'{-g,--get-status}'[Print the current status information]'\ '*'{-r,--restart}'[Restart the window manager]' ;; (subscribe) if [[ "$words[CURRENT-1]" != (-c|--count) ]] ;then _values -w "options" \ '(-f --fifo)'{-f,--fifo}'[Print a path to a FIFO from which events can be read and return]'\ '(-c --count)'{-c,--count}'[Stop the corresponding tspc process after having received specified count of events]' _values -w -S "_" events all report pointer_action \ "monitor:: :(add rename remove swap focus geometry)"\ "desktop:: :(add rename remove swap transfer focus activate layout)"\ "node:: :(add remove swap transfer focus activate presel stack geometry state flag layer)" fi ;; (rule) local -a completions by_index local index=0 target settings class id instance json _arguments -C \ {-a,--add}'[Create a new rule]:*: :->add'\ {-r,--remove}'[Remove the given rules]:*: :->remove'\ '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[List the rules]' compset -N "-([ar]|-add|-remove)" case $state$CURRENT in (add1) compset -P '*:' tspc query -N -n '.window' 2> /dev/null | while read id ; do json=$(tspc query -T -n $id 2>/dev/null) || continue [[ "$json[1]" = '{' ]] || continue class=${${json##*\"className\":\"}%%\",\"*} instance=${${json##*\"instanceName\":\"}%%\",\"*} [[ "$class[1]" != '{' && "$instance[1]" != '{' ]] || continue if [ -n "$IPREFIX" ] ;then [[ "$IPREFIX" == ("${class}:"|('\'|)'*:') ]] && completions[(r)$instance]=$instance else class=${class%%:/\\:} completions[(r)$class]="$class" fi done ;; (add*) _values -w 'add rule' {border,focus,follow,manage,center}': :(on off)'\ '(--one-shot)-o'\ '(-o)--one-shot'\ 'monitor: :_tspc_selector -- monitor'\ 'desktop: :_tspc_selector -- desktop'\ 'node: :_tspc_selector -- node'\ 'rectangle: :( )'\ 'split_ratio:split ratio:( )'\ "split_dir:split direction:(${dir})"\ "state:state:(${node_state})"\ "${flag[@]:#urgent}:set flag:(on off)"\ "layer:layer:(${layer})" return ;; (remove*) compset -P '*:' tspc rule -l 2> /dev/null | while IFS=" " read target settings ;do by_index+="^$((++index)):${target} ${settings}" if [ -n "$IPREFIX" ] ;then completions+="${target#*:}" else completions+="${target%:*}" fi done [[ -z "$IPREFIX" ]] && _describe 'remove rule by position' '(head tail)' -J by_index -- by_index -J by_index ;; (*) return ;; esac completions[(r)\*]=* [ -n "$IPREFIX" ] && _describe 'match window instance' completions || _describe 'match window class' completions -q -S ':' ;; (config) local -a {look,behaviour,input}{_bool,} look_bool=(presel_feedback borderless_monocle gapless_monocle borderless_singleton) look=({normal,active,focused}_border_color {top,right,bottom,left}_padding {top,right,bottom,left}_monocle_padding presel_feedback_color border_width window_gap) behaviour_bool=(single_monocle removal_adjustment ignore_ewmh_focus ignore_ewmh_struts center_pseudo_tiled honor_size_hints remove_disabled_monitors remove_unplugged_monitors merge_overlapping_monitors) behaviour=(mapping_events_count ignore_ewmh_fullscreen external_rules_command split_ratio automatic_scheme initial_polarity directional_focus_tightness status_prefix) input_bool=(swallow_first_click focus_follows_pointer pointer_follows_{focus,monitor}) input=(click_to_focus pointer_motion_interval pointer_modifier pointer_action{1,2,3}) if [[ "$CURRENT" == (2|3) ]];then _arguments \ '-d[Set settings for the selected desktop]: :_tspc_selector -- desktop'\ '-m[Set settings for the selected monitor]: :_tspc_selector -- monitor'\ '-n[Set settings for the selected node]: :_tspc_selector -- node' fi if [[ "${words[2]}" == -* ]] ;then (( CURRENT == 3 )) && return if (( CURRENT > 3 )) ;then compset -n 3 fi fi if ((CURRENT==2)) ;then _describe 'look' look -J look -- look_bool -J look _describe 'input' input -J input -- input_bool -J input _describe 'behaviour' behaviour -J behaviour -- behaviour_bool -J behaviour elif ((CURRENT==3)) ;then setting=$words[2] case $setting in (ignore_ewmh_fullscreen) _values -S "," "set $setting" all none "enter:: :(exit)" "exit:: :(enter)" ;; (initial_polarity) _values "set $setting" first_child second_child ;; (pointer_action(1|2|3)) _values "set $setting" move resize_side resize_corner focus none ;; (pointer_modifier) _values "set $setting" shift control lock mod1 mod2 mod3 mod4 mod5 ;; (directional_focus_tightness) _values "set $setting" low high ;; (click_to_focus) _values "set $setting" any button1 button2 button3 none ;; (*) [[ -n $look_bool[(r)$setting] ]] || [[ -n $behaviour_bool[(r)$setting] ]] || [[ -n $input_bool[(r)$setting] ]] && _values "set $setting" true false ;; esac fi ;; esac } _tspc "$@"