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This is an icon theme that uses the icons from seti-ui.

Previewing icons

There is a ./icons/preview.html file that can be opened to see all of the icons included in the theme. To view this, it needs to be hosted by a web server. The easiest way is to open the file with the Open with Live Server command from the Live Server extension.

Updating icons

To adopt the latest changes from

  • have the main branches of and cloned in the same parent folder
  • in the seti-ui folder, run npm install and npm run prepublishOnly. This will generate updated icons and fonts.
  • in the vscode/extensions/theme-seti folder run npm run update. This will launch the icon theme update script that updates the theme as well as the font based on content in seti-ui.
  • to test the icon theme, look at the icon preview as described above.
  • when done, create a PR with the changes in Add a screenshot of the preview page to accompany it.

Languages not shipped with vscode

Languages that are not shipped with vscode must be added to the nonBuiltInLanguages object inside of update-icon-theme.js.

These should match the file mapping in seti-ui.

Please try and keep this list in alphabetical order! Thank you.