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Please refer to VS Code's prerequisites.


  • We are not constrained by node version
  • We use fnpm to build .deb and .rpm packages

Development Workflow

yarn vscode
yarn watch # Visit http://localhost:8080 once completed.

To develop inside of an isolated docker container:


root@12345:/code-server# yarn
root@12345:/code-server# yarn vscode
root@12345:/code-server# yarn watch

Any changes made to the source will be live reloaded.

If changes are made to the patch and you've built previously you must manually reset VS Code then run yarn vscode:patch.

Some docs are available at ../src/node/app on how code-server works internally.


yarn vscode
yarn build
yarn build:vscode
yarn release
cd release
yarn --production
node . # Run the built JavaScript with Node.

Now you can make it static and build packages with:

yarn release:static
yarn test:static-release
yarn package

The static release will be in ./release-static and .deb, .rpm and self-contained release in ./release-packages.