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# Darktile
Darktile is a GPU rendered terminal emulator designed for tiling window managers.

## Features
- GPU rendering
- Unicode support
- Compiled-in powerline font
- Configurable/customisable, supports custom themes, fonts etc.
- Hints: Context-aware overlays e.g. hex colour viewer
- Take screenshots with a single key-binding
- Sixel support
- Transparency
## Installation
Install dependencies:
- `xorg-dev`
- `libgl1-mesa-dev`
Grab a binary from the [latest release](https://github.com/liamg/darktile/releases/latest).
## Configuration
Configuration files should be created in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/darktile/` if the variable is defined, otherwise in `$HOME/.config/darktile/`.
If you wish, you can create an example config file as a starting point using `darktile --rewrite-config`.
Darktile will use sensible defaults if no config/theme files are available. The same applies when you omit settings from config/theme files, meaning it is perfectly valid to start with empty config/theme files and add to them as required to override the default behaviour.
### Config File
Found in the config directory (see above) inside `config.yaml`.
opacity: 1.0 # window opacity: 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque
family: "" # Find possible values for this by running 'darktile list-fonts'
size: 16
dpi: 72
### Example Theme
Found in the config directory (see above) inside `theme.yaml`. You can replace this file with a symlink or any theme file from [darktile-themes](https://github.com/liamg/darktile-themes).
black: '#1d1f21'
red: '#cc6666'
green: '#b5bd68'
yellow: '#f0c674'
blue: '#81a2be'
magenta: '#b294bb'
cyan: '#8abeb7'
white: '#c5c8c6'
brightblack: '#666666'
brightred: '#d54e53'
brightgreen: '#b9ca4a'
brightyellow: '#e7c547'
brightblue: '#7aa6da'
brightmagenta: '#c397d8'
brightcyan: '#70c0b1'
brightwhite: '#eaeaea'
background: '#1d1f21'
foreground: '#c5c8c6'
selectionbackground: '#aa8800'
selectionforeground: '#ffffff'
cursorforeground: '#1d1f21'
cursorbackground: '#c5c8c6'
## Key Bindings
| Action | Binding |
| Copy | `ctrl + shift + C`
| Paste | `ctrl + shift + V`
| Decrease font size | `ctrl + -`
| Increase font size | `ctrl + =`
| Take screenshot | `ctrl + shift + [`
| Open URL | `ctrl + click`
## FAQ
### What happened to Aminal?
The name changed as a result of a near-complete rewrite of Aminal. Also, Google's "did you mean animal?" was getting pretty annoying.
### Did Darktile drop Windows/OSX support?
While the project likely won't need much work to build on Windows/OSX, the focus is to develop Darktile for tiling window managers under Linux. If you'd like to get Darktile working for other environments, pull requests are always very welcome, especially when preceded by issues/discussion.